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Quality is the heart of our service that’s why we offer our students real exam questions with 100% passing assurance in the first attempt. Our 010-151 dumps PDF have been carved by the experienced experts exactly on the model of real exam question answers in which you are going to appear to get your certification.
Cisco 010-151 Sample Questions
Question # 1
Which statement is true about SFP?
A. SFP modules convert the serial electrical signals to serial analog signals and vice versa.
B. The small form-factor pluggable (SFP) is a compact, hot-pluggable copper module transceiver.
C. SFP modules offer a simple and effective way to connect a single network device to a wide variety of fiber cable types.
D. SFP modules can be classified based on the working voltage and size.
Answer: C
Question # 2
Which three statements about powering down a Cisco UCS C-Series Rack-Mount Server to perform maintenance or replacement are true? (Choose three.)
A. Standby power mode: Power is supplied only to the service processor and the cooling fans, and it is safe to power off the server from this mode.
B. Power status LED. Green indicates that the server is in main power mode and can be safely powered off.
C. Graceful shutdown: Press and release the power button. The operating system performs a graceful shutdown, and the server goes to standby mode, which is indicated by an amber power status LED.
D. Disconnect the power cords from the power supplies in your server to completely power off the server.
E. Only an emergency shutdown can be performed using the power button on the server front panel.
F. The Cisco UCS C-Series Rack-Mount Server has only one power mode.
Question # 3
Which statement is true about cloud deployment models?
A. A public cloud is typically infrastructure used by a single organization.
B. Public clouds are more expensive than private clouds.
C. Hybrid cloud supports multiple organizations sharing computing resources that are part of a community.
D. Public clouds are less secure than private clouds.
Answer: C
Question # 4
A company wants to build a data center infrastructure that can provide up to 99.982% uptime availability per year. Which ANSI/TIA-942 data center tier meets the requirement?
A. Redundant-distribution site infrastructure
B. Redundant-capacity component site infrastructure
C. Concurrently maintainable site infrastructure
D. Basic site infrastructure
Question # 5
Which command can be used to exit to EXEC mode from this current mode? switch(configif) #
A. Ctrl-C
B. Ctrl-L
C. quit
D. exit
E. end
Question # 6
Which command syntax is correct to reset the admin password when the switch is in the kickstart prompt? switch(boot) #”
A. exec -> admin-password
B. connect local-mgmt -> admin-password
C. configure terminal -> admin-password
D. connect nxos -> admin-password
E. admin-password
Question # 7
Which statement is true about cloud computing?
A. It provides self-service, on-demand provisioning and a billing for corporate usage only.
B. Users usually own and maintain their own IT infrastructure and facility.
C. It provides end-to-end server, application network service, and storage virtualization.
D. It increases total cost of ownership.
Question # 8
Which command-line interface mode is best described by this prompt? UCS-switch-A (nxos)#
A. maintenance mode
B. EXEC mode
C. local management mode
D. global configuration mode
E. Cisco IOS mode
Question # 9
Cisco UCS 5100 Blade Server Chassis supports which two devices? (Choose two.)
A. Blade servers
B. Fiber Extenders
C. Rack-mount Servers
D. S-Series Storage servers
E. E-Series Servers
Answer: A,C
Reference: blade-server-chassis/data_sheet_c78-526830.html
Question # 10
With which data center type can a company lease the equipment and infrastructure?
A. Managed services data center
B. Colocation data center
C. Green technology data center
D. Enterprise data center
Question # 11
On the Sensors page from the CIMC view, which four tabs are displayed to view further information? (Choose four.)
A. Power Supply
B. Fan
C. Memory
F. Temperature
Question # 12
Which two virtualization technologies are used in a modern data center design? (Choose two.)
A. Storage virtualization
B. Cloud virtualization
C. Platform virtualization
D. Server virtualization
E. Application virtualization
Question # 13
Which two external features are in the Cisco UCS C125 M5 Compute Node? (Choose two.)
A. PCle Risers
B. USB 3.0 port
C. Supercap unit
D. SD card slots
E. SAS/SATA drives
Answer: A,B
Reference: page 2
Question # 14
Which Cisco NX-OS command displays kernel uptime?
A. show module
B. show version
C. show license
D. show boot
E. show interface
Question # 15
Which processor option is supported in the Cisco UCS C420 M3 Server?
A. up to two Intel Xeon E5-4600 series multicore processors
B. up to two Intel Xeon E7-4800 series multicore processors
C. up to four Intel Xeon E5-4600 series multicore processors
D. two or four Intel Xeon E7-8800 series multicore processors
Question # 16
Which two firmware components does the Host Upgrade Utility upgrade? (Choose two.)
A. Fabric Interconnect firmware
B. Cisco UCS Infrastructure software
C. Cisco UCS Manager
D. CIMC E. System BIOS
Answer: D,E
Reference: x/3_0/b_huu_3_0_1/ b_huu_2_0_13_chapter_011.html
Question # 17
What is the name of the process to automatically upgrade a new Fabric Interconnect when it is connected to the functioning Fabric Interconnect?
A. Firmware Policy Process
B. Auto-Negotiate Process
C. Auto-Sync Process
D. Firmware Update Process
Question # 18
Which method does FCIP use to enable connectivity of geographically distributed Fibre Channel SANs over IP?
A. routing
B. tunneling
C. handshaking
D. transporting
Question # 19
Which command saves the active configuration to NVRAM?
A. copy startup-config running-config
B. copy active-config backup-config
C. copy running-config startup-config
D. copy backup-config active-config
Question # 20
Which statement about RAID is true?
A. RAID is a scheme used to logically combine several independent disks to form an array or group of drives.
B. RAID provides data redundancy with either odd parity or even parity.
C. RAID drive group appears to the host computer as multiple physical storage units.
D. RAID parity information can be stored across multiple RAID levels.
E. RAID stores data in the array with data striping, encryption, and parity to organize the data among the disks.
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