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Quality is the heart of our service that’s why we offer our students real exam questions with 100% passing assurance in the first attempt. Our 300-435 dumps PDF have been carved by the experienced experts exactly on the model of real exam question answers in which you are going to appear to get your certification.
Cisco 300-435 Sample Questions
Question # 1
An engineer needs to create a new network using the Meraki API. Which HTTP action to the URL https:// will result in a 201 response code?
Answer: B
Question # 2
Which field must be completed in Cisco DNA Center when a network discovery is initiated?
A. SNMP read community string
B. Enable password
D. Discovery type
Answer: D
Reference: DNAC13_AddingDevicesByUsingDiscovery.pdf (p.26)
Question # 3
Which function is available in NETCONF and unavailable in RESTCONF?
A. configuration changes are automatically activated
B. uses the YANG data models to communicate
C. supports JSON and data encoding
D. validates the content of a candidate datastore
Answer: D
Question # 4
What does Cisco DNA Center use to manage third-party devices?
A. command runners
B. multivendor SDK
C. templates
D. device packages
Answer: D
Question # 5
Which environment must be enabled to complete the Zero-Touch Provisioning process on a Cisco IOS XE device?
B. ZTP OPEN Service Container
D. Guest Shelf
Answer: D
Reference: 5/configuration_guide/prog/b_165_prog_3850_cg/zero_touch_provisioning.pdf
Question # 6
Which curl command is used to update the SNMP community of network ID “1234567” to read-only?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: B
Explanation: PUT is used to update the snmp network ID. The access has to be community and not users. Therefore, option B is correct.
Question # 7
When the Cisco DNA center intent API is used as part of an automation process what prompts receiving a HTTP 206 status code on a call?
A. The client authentication credentials that are included with the request are missing or invalid.
B. The client made a request that has been received but not yet acted upon.
C. The client made a request for partial content matching a range header.
D. The client request was successful, but there is no content associated with the request.
Question # 8
When the Cisco DNA center intent API is used as part of an automation process what prompts receiving a HTTP 206 status code on a call?
A. The client authentication credentials that are included with the request are missing or invalid.
B. The client made a request that has been received but not yet acted upon.
C. The client made a request for partial content matching a range header.
D. The client request was successful, but there is no content associated with the request.
Question # 9
What is an advantage of software-defined networks as compared to traditional networks?
A. They simplify operations by creating a concrete copy of the network.
B. They reduce complexity by coupling the control and the data plane.
C. They enable older hardware to be repurposed without an investment in new infrastructure.
D. They deliver a distributed management architecture that provides better resilience to errors.
Answer: D
Question # 10
What is a capability of MV Sense MQTT API?
A. request and subscribe to historical, current, or real-time data
B. automate the configuration of networking devices
C. monitor the network and auto adjust for optimal performance
D. create email alerts for user that violate the security configuration
Answer: A
Question # 11
What is primary purpose of using the Cisco SD-WAN vManage Certificate Management API?
A. to securely deploy vManage
B. to report an issue to Cisco TAC
C. to install signed certificates
D. to contact Enterprise Certificate Authority
Question # 12
During a network outage, a network administrator used the Cisco SD-WAN vManage Troubleshooting Dashboard APIs to troubleshoot the cause of the issue. Which detail is captured during troubleshooting with these APIs?
A. VPN health
B. public cloud resources
C. connections summary
D. OMP connection health
Answer: C
Reference: Command_Reference/vManage_REST_APIs/Troubleshooting_APIs/Dashboard
Question # 13
Which action allows for creating a Python script to pull inventory for Cisco SD-WAN Viptela devices using the Viptela library in the code?
A. from urllib.request import Viptela
B. from viptela.devices import Viptela
C. from viptela.viptela import Viptela
D. from viptela.library import Viptela
Answer: B
Explanation: The viptela.devices import viptela can be used to put inventory from Cisco SD WAN viptela devices.
Question # 14
A programmer is creating a Maraki webhook Python script to send a massage to Webex Teams. Which two elements should be configured to create this script? (Choose two)
A. gRPC credentials
B. Webex Teams access token
C. XML formatted request
D. user authentication count
E. webhook server secret
Question # 15
What are two characteristics of RPC API calls? (Choose two.)
A. They can be used only on network devices.
B. They use only UDP for communications.
C. Parameters can be passed to the calls.
D. They must use SSL/TLS.
E. They call a single function or service.
Question # 16
FILL BLANK Fill in the blank to complete the statement. ___________________ is a solution for automating the configuration of a device when it is first powered on, using DHCP and TFTP.
Question # 17
When accessing the /device-detail endpoint in Cisco DNA Canter, what is an acceptable SearchBy parameter value?
A. platform type
B. IP address
C. software version
D. MAC address
Question # 18
When a Grafana dashboard is built to receive network events from Cisco DNA Center, which integration bundle is enabled to send notifications?
A. Basic ITSM CMDB Synchronization
B. DNA Center Rest API
C. Network Events for REST API Endpoint
D. Network Issue Monitor and Enrichment for ITSM
Reference: management/dna-center/1- 3/admin_guide/b_cisco_dna_center_admin_guide_1_3/ b_dnac_admin_guide_1_2_10_chapter_010.html
Question # 19
Webhook that are generated by Cisco DNA Center are REST calls with which properties?
A. JSON payload delivered via PUT
B. XML payload delivered via POST
C. JSON payload delivered via POST
D. XML payload delivered via PUT
Answer: C
Question # 20
What is the purpose of using the Cisco SD-WAN vManage Certificate Management API?
A. to generate a CSR
B. to allocate resources to the certificate server
C. to request a certificate from the certificate server
D. to enable vManage Center
Answer: A
Reference: wan-overlay-network-bringup.html
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