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Amazon AXS-C01 Sample Questions
Question # 1
An Alexa Skill Builder needs to change the invocation name of a newskill. What status should the skill be in to make this change?
A. In Development
B. Build
C. In Certification
D. Edit
Question # 2
An Alexa Skill Builder is using Amazon S3 to stream large quantities of static audioand video contentthroughout the world with an Amazon Alexa skill.Which additional AWS service will help the Builder decrease latency and improvethe reliability of thestreaming media content for the global audience?
A. AWS Cloud9
B. Amazon Kinesis
C. Amazon Route 53
D. Amazon CloudFront
Reference: b274-bf0d93031bcd/buildmoreengaging-skills-using-aws
Question # 3
An Alexa Skill Builder is designing a skill with an intent that needs six slots to be filled. It is unlikely that a userwill provide all the slot values in a single utterance, so the slot fulfillment should be split upinto a multi-turnconversation.What can the Builder do in the developer console to have Amazon Alexa elicit any missingslots, withoutspecifying each of the slots in the backend code?
A. Keep track of what slots are filled in session attributes, and in the backend code,prompt the user for themissing slots usingDialog.ElicitSlot.
B. Mark those six slots are required, fill in the necessary prompts, and in the backend code,use theDialog.Delegatedirective until all slots are filled.
C. Mark those six slots are required, fill in the necessary prompts, and in the backend code,use theDialog.ConfirmSlotdirective until all slots are filled
D. Mark those six slots are required, fill in the necessary prompts, and in the backend code,use theDialog.ElicitSlotdirective until all slots are filled.
Question # 4
Thenamespacevalue in the header of the incoming directive for an Amazon Alexa smarthome skill specifiesthe:
A. context of the message
B. capability interface of the message
C. endpoint specified in the message
D. control message for the directive
Question # 5
Thenamespacevalue in the header of the incoming directive for an Amazon Alexa smarthome skill specifiesthe:
A. context of the message
B. capability interface of the message
C. endpoint specified in the message
D. control message for the directive
Question # 6
An Alexa Skill Builder wants to create a skill that asks the user two yes/no QUESTIONNO:s:Alexa:Do you like cats? Alexa:Do you like dogs?When the username answers “yes”, how should the Builder code the handler to knowwhich QUESTION NO: theanswer refers to?
A. Using session attributes, store the previous QUESTION NO: as the context for use intheAMAZON.YesIntenthandler.
B. Within theAMAZON.YesIntenthandler, prompt the user to repeat the name of the animalthat they like.
C. Within theAMAZON.YesIntenthandler, define a slot to store and retrieve the previouslyasked QUESTION NO:.
D. Access Amazon CloudWatch Logs and retrieve the previous QUESTION NO: topic fromthe recent log messages.
Question # 7
An Alexa Skill Builder wants to name a skill using a company’s branded acronym, “NATSystems.”Which invocation name is valid?
A. n a t systems
B. n-a-t systems
C. n. A. t. systems
D. NAT Systems
Question # 8
An Alexa Skill Builder is troubleshooting issues with a custom skill backed by anAWS Lambda function thatintegrates with an external API controlling a light bulb. The Builder observes that whensaying “Alexa, turn onthe light” the response is “light is not responding” and 10 seconds later, the light turns on.What is the MOST likely cause for this issue and how can it be solved?
A. The Lambda function is not executing fast enough. Double the currently specifiedLambda memoryallocation in the Lambda basic settings section.
B. The default Lambda function timeout setting is too short and the Lambda functiontimes out before theresponse from the external API can be processed and a reply can be sent back to Amazon AlexA. Increasethe Lambda timeout limit.
C. There are too many concurrent Lambda functions running, causing the existingLambda function to blockand then time out before a response can be returned to Amazon AlexA. Increasethe Lambda functionreserve concurrency value to 30, then verify that the function can complete its workwithin 10 seconds.
D. There is a bug in the Lambda function code preventing the external API frombeing called. Enable Lambdadebugging and error handling and check Amazon CloudWatch Logs for the error, thenmodify the codeaccordingly.
Question # 9
Which of the following occur when a beta test of a live skill times out? (Choose two.)
A. The beta tester will lose access to the beta skill and will need to reenable the live skill
B. The beta tester will receive an email saying the beta test has ended
C. The administrator will receive an email confirming that the beta tester has been removed
D. The beta tester will lose access to the beta skill but will maintain access to the live skill
E. The beta skill history in the Amazon Alexa app will disappear once the beta test has ended
Question # 10
An Alexa Skill Builder made changes to an AWS Lambda function that is used as the endpoint for a skill. The Builder discovers that the skill now returns an error when it is launched.How can the Builder use the Lambda console to trigger the function and debug the code?
A. Create a Lambda test event using the JSON request as input to find the specific errorwithin the code.
B. Create a Lambda test event using the JSON response as output to find the specificerror within the code.
C. Check the JSON response to see if there are any syntax errors in the code.
D. Create a Lambda test event using the JSON interaction model to find the specific errorwithin the code.
Question # 11
While developing a skill, an Alexa Skill Builder finds that the voice response is too quickand needs to be slowed down.How can the Builder MOST efficiently iterate and test how the response will sound?
A. Make changes in the skill code, deploy it, and test it on the device.
B. Modify the SSML in the skill, save it, and check Amazon CloudWatch for errors.
C. Edit the SSML in the skill and use the Alexa Simulator tab on the Test page ofthe developer console.
D. Use the Voice & Tone tab on the Test page in the developer console.
Question # 12
An Amazon Alexa trip planner skill has several intents and slots. One of theintents isPlanMyTripIntentand some of the slots arefromCity,toCity,departDate, andreturnDate. The following is asampledialog:User: Ask plan my trip to start a new trip leaving from Seattle.Alexa: You said you are leaving from Seattle, right?User: YesAlexa: I’ve saved your trip. Do you want to create another trip?User: YesWhat will be invoked upon the user’s final “Yes”?
A. PlanMyTripIntent
B. AMAZON.CancelIntent
C. AMAZON.YesIntent
D. LaunchRequest
Question # 13
An Alexa Skill Builder wants to implement in-skill purchasing to offer one-time purchasesfor access topremium content. The Builder created an entitlement product and deployed it successfullyusing the ASK CLItool. When testing the customBuyInskillProductIntentin the developer console, theBuilder receivesthe following error:Sorry, this product is not available with your current language setting.How can this error be fixed?
A. Change the release date and redeploy the product
B. Change the locale in the Alexa Simulator tab in the developer console
C. Change the AWS Lambda function to include the correct locale in theConnections.SendRequest directive
D. Change the language in the premium content
Question # 14
An Alexa Skill Builder has created a taxi hiring skill. The skill needs to find out when thecustomer wants a taxi,where the customer is traveling from, and where the customer wants to go. The Builder iscurrently asking each question individually, in the following order:“Where do you want to take a taxi from”“Where do you want to take a taxi to”“When do you need a taxi”To ensure the voice interaction is flexible, how should this information begathered regardless of the order inwhich the user provides it?
A. Use a single intent and slot. Inspect the incoming slot value and categorize thenresponse, then prompt for the remaining information.
B. Create an intent for each QUESTION NO: and include slots for each piece ofinformation on every intent
C. Create three intents with one slot each. UseDialog.ElicitSlotto fill the slots.
D. Create a single intent with three slots. Use theDialog.Delegatedirective to fill the slots.
Question # 15
An Alexa Skill Builder needs to display an image and some additional text to users of askill.Which approach will work with any Amazon Alexa enabled device?
A. Use an Alexa display template, such asBodyTemplate1.
B. Send aSimplecard to the user.
C. Send aStandardcard to the user.
D. Send aLinkAccountcard to the user.
Reference: html#create-a-card-to-display-text-and-an-image
Question # 16
An Alexa Skill Builder needs to have knowledge of the previous prompt that was presentedto the user in orderto give context to the user’s response.How can the Builder accomplish this?
A. Find the corresponding prompt using the list events feature
B. Store a reference to the prompt used as a session attribute
C. Call the Intent Request History API to identify which prompt was used.
D. Parse thecontextobject from the skill request.
Question # 17
An Alexa Skill Builder built a skill using AWS LambdA. The Lambda function works whenrunning the code ona local machine with a runtime of 4.5 seconds, but during skill testing, the Builder receivesan error response.Which collection of steps will address the issue? (Choose two.)
A. Change the Amazon Alexa default timeout to 5 seconds.
A. Change the Amazon Alexa default timeout to 5 seconds.
C. Call the Progressive Response API and send a directive to reduce latency.
D. Increase the size of the memory allocated to the Lambda function.
E. Clone the Lambda function to another AWS Region.
Question # 18
An Amazon Alexa skill fetches data for users from a third-party API and the wait forthe response from that call is variable, often taking up to 5 seconds.What is the recommended method for notifying users that a skill is working on the requestand has not failed to respond?
A. Prefetch the data that is expected to the required by the skill from the third-party APIusing Amazon CloudWatch Events.
B. Call the Progressive Response API and send a directive, such asVoicePlayer.Speak
C. Ask a follow-up question for clarification to engage the user while waiting for the initiallyrequested response.
D. Respond to the user stating that the data will be ready soon, and upon the next launchof the skill, providethe user with the response they initially requested.
Question # 19
An Alexa Skill Builder receives feedback from users that a specific utterance causesAmazon Alexa to trigger the skill’sAMAZON.HelpIntentrather than triggering thecorrect intent and slot.How can the Builder reproduce this behavior to troubleshoot the problem?
A. Use the AWS Lambda test feature to send a request with the given intent andslot combination.
B. Set up a unit test in the code base to simulate what happens when the given intentand slot combinationare dispatched within the skill.
C. Use the Manual JSON tab on the Test page of the developer console to see whathappens when a requestfor the given intent and slot combination is sent to the skill
D. Use the Alexa Simulator tab on the Test page of the developer console to test theutterances the usershave reported.
Question # 20
An Alexa Skill Builder is developing a custom skill and needs to verify that the correct slotvalues are beingpassed into the AWS Lambda function.According to best practices, what is the MOST efficient way to capture this information?
A. Add a logging statement to write the event request to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
B. Add an API call to write the environment variables to an Amazon S3 bucket when thefunction is invoked.
C. Add an API call to read the event information from AWS Cloud Trail logs and add a PutObject API call towrite to an Amazon S3 bucket.
D. Add a statement to parse the JSON request and save to the local disk for the Lambdafunction
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