Amazon CLF-C02 Exam Dumps

07 Jan


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Amazon CLF-C02 Sample Questions

Question # 1
A company has a centralized group of users with large file storage requirements that haveexceeded the space available on premises. The company wants to extend its file storagecapabilities for this group while retaining the performance benefit of sharing content locally.What is the MOST operationally efficient AWS solution for this scenario?

A. Create an Amazon S3 bucket for each user. Mount each bucket by using an S3 filesystem mounting utility.
B. Configure and deploy an AWS Storage Gateway file gateway. Connect each user’sworkstation to the file gateway.
C. Move each user’s working environment to Amazon Workspaces. Set up an AmazonWorkDocs account for each user.
D. Deploy an Amazon EC2 instance and attach an Amazon Elastic Block Store (AmazonEBS) Provisioned IOPS volume. Share the EBS volume directly with the users.

Answer: B
Explanation: AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid cloud storage service that allows you toextend your on-premises file storage capabilities to the AWS Cloud. AWS StorageGateway file gateway enables you to store and access your files in Amazon S3 usingindustry-standard file protocols such as NFS and SMB. File gateway caches frequentlyaccessed files locally, providing low-latency access to your data. File gateway alsooptimizes the transfer of data between your on-premises environment and AWS,minimizing the amount of bandwidth consumed. By using file gateway, you can retain theperformance benefit of sharing content locally while leveraging the scalability, durability,and cost-effectiveness of Amazon S3. References: AWS Storage Gateway, File Gateway

Question # 2
Which complimentary AWS service or tool creates data-driven business cases for cloudplanning?

A. Migration Evaluator
B. AWS Billing Conductor
C. AWS Billing Console
D. Amazon Forecast

Answer: A
Explanation: Migration Evaluator is a cloud-based service that provides organizations witha comprehensive assessment of their current IT environment and estimates the costsavings and performance improvements that can be achieved by migrating toAWS. Migration Evaluator helps users build a data-driven business case for AWS by discovering over-provisioned on-premises instances, providing recommendations for costeffectiveAWS alternatives, and analyzing existing licenses and cost comparisons of BringYour Own License (BYOL) and License Included (LI) options

Question # 3
Which AWS services or features provide disaster recovery solutions for Amazon EC2instances? (Select TWO.)

A. EC2 Reserved Instances
B. EC2 Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
C. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshots
D. AWS Shield
E. Amazon GuardDuty

Answer: B,C
Explanation: The correct answer is B and C. EC2 Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) andAmazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshots are two AWS services that providedisaster recovery solutions for Amazon EC2 instances.EC2 AMIs are preconfigured templates that contain the software configuration anddata required to launch an EC2 instance. You can create AMIs from your runningEC2 instances and use them to launch new instances in the same or differentAWS Regions. This way, you can quickly recover your EC2 instances in case of adisaster that affects your primary Region or Availability Zone1.Amazon EBS snapshots are incremental backups of your Amazon EBS volumes.You can create snapshots of your volumes and store them in Amazon S3, which isa highly durable and scalable storage service. You can use snapshots to restoreyour volumes to a previous point in time or to create new volumes fromsnapshots. Snapshots can also be copied across AWS Regions, enabling you torecover your data in another Region in case of a disaster2.The other options are not directly related to disaster recovery for EC2 instances:EC2 Reserved Instances are a pricing model that allows you to reserve EC2capacity for a specific period of time and receive a discount on the hourlycharge. Reserved Instances do not provide any disaster recovery benefits, as theyare only a billing option3.AWS Shield is a managed service that protects your AWS resources fromdistributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. AWS Shield provides basic protectionfor all AWS customers at no additional charge, and advanced protection forcustomers who need higher levels of detection and mitigation. AWS Shield doesnot provide any disaster recovery benefits, as it is only a security service4.Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that monitors your AWS accountand workloads for malicious or unauthorized activity. Amazon GuardDuty analyzesvarious data sources, such as AWS CloudTrail, Amazon VPC Flow Logs, and DNSlogs, to identify potential threats and alert you via Amazon CloudWatch Events orAWS Lambda. Amazon GuardDuty does not provide any disaster recoverybenefits, as it is only a monitoring service5.

Question # 4
Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to grant access only to the resourcesneeded to perform a task is a concept known as:

A. restricted access.
B. as-needed access.
C. least privilege access.
D. token access.

Answer: C
Explanation: The concept of granting access only to the resources needed to perform atask is known as least privilege access. This is a security best practice in IAM that helps toreduce the risk of unauthorized or malicious actions. By applying least privilege access,you can limit the permissions of your IAM users, groups, and roles to the minimum requiredfor their specific tasks. You can also use conditions, permissions boundaries, and IAMAccess Analyzer to further restrict and verify access. References: Security best practices inIAM, Policies and permissions in IAM, Use IAM policies to grant the least privilegesrequired to access Amazon RDS resources, How to Design a Least Privilege Architecturein AWS, 12 Azure & AWS IAM Security Best Practices

Question # 5
Which AWS service or feature provides log information of the inbound and outbound trafficon network interfaces in a VPC?

A. Amazon CloudWatch Logs
B. AWS CloudTrail
C. VPC Flow Logs
D. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Answer: C
Explanation: VPC Flow Logs is a feature that enables you to capture information about theIP traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC. Flow log data can be publishedto the following locations: Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, or Amazon Kinesis DataFirehose. You can use VPC Flow Logs to monitor network traffic, diagnose security issues,troubleshoot connectivity problems, and perform network forensics1. References:Logging IP traffic using VPC Flow Logs – Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Question # 6
What is the best resource for a user to find compliance-related information and reportsabout AWS?

A. AWS Artifact
B. AWS Marketplace
C. Amazon Inspector
D. Increase operational costs across data centers.

Answer: A
Explanation: AWS Artifact is a self-service portal that provides on-demand access to AWSsecurity and compliance reports and select online agreements. Users can downloadreports such as AWS ISO certifications, PCI reports, SOC reports, and GDPR DPA, andreview and accept agreements such as BAA and NDA. AWS Artifact helps users tounderstand and meet compliance requirements for various standards and regulations thatapply to AWS services and infrastructure. AWS Artifact is the best resource for a user tofind compliance-related information and reports about AWS, whereas the other options arenot

Question # 7
A company operates a petabyte-scale data warehouse to analyze its data. The companywants a solution that will not require manual hardware and software management. WhichAWS service will meet these requirements?

A. Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)
B. Amazon Redshift
C. Amazon Neptune
D. Amazon ElastiCache

Answer: B
Explanation: Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouseservice that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using your existingbusiness intelligence tools. You can start small with no commitments, and scale topetabytes for less than a tenth of the cost of traditional solutions. Amazon Redshift doesnot require manual hardware and software management, as AWS handles all the taskssuch as provisioning, patching, backup, recovery, failure detection, and repair12. AmazonRedshift also offers serverless capabilities, which allow you to access and analyze datawithout any configurations or capacity planning. Amazon Redshift automatically scales thedata warehouse capacity to deliver fast performance for even the most demanding andunpredictable workloads3. Therefore, Amazon Redshift meets the requirements of thecompany, compared to the other options.The other options are not suitable for the company’s requirements, because:Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a fast, scalable, highlyavailable, and fully managed document database service that supports MongoDBworkloads. It is not designed for petabyte-scale data warehousing or analytics4.Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable, and fully managed graph database service thatmakes it easy to build and run applications that work with highly connecteddatasets. It is not designed for petabyte-scale data warehousing or analytics5.Amazon ElastiCache is a fully managed in-memory data store and cache service that supports Redis and Memcached. It is not designed for petabyte-scale datawarehousing or analytics.References:What is Amazon Redshift? – Amazon RedshiftAmazon Redshift Features – Amazon RedshiftAmazon Redshift Serverless – Amazon RedshiftWhat Is Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)? – AmazonDocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)What Is Amazon Neptune? – Amazon Neptune[What Is Amazon ElastiCache for Redis? – Amazon ElastiCache for Redis]

Question # 8
A company wants to move its on-premises databases to managed cloud database servicesby using a simplified migration process. Which AWS service or tool can help the companymeet this requirement?

A. AWS Storage Gateway
B. AWS Application Migration Service
C. AWS DataSync
D. AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS)

Answer: D
Explanation: AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) is a cloud service that makesit possible to migrate relational databases, data warehouses, NoSQL databases, and othertypes of data stores. You can use AWS DMS to migrate your data into the AWS Cloud orbetween combinations of cloud and on-premises setups. With AWS DMS, you can discoveryour source data stores, convert your source schemas, and migrate your data. AWS DMSsupports migration between 20-plus database and analytics engines, such as Oracle toAmazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition, MySQL to Amazon Relational Database(RDS) for MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-CompatibleEdition, MongoDB to Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility), Oracle to Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). You can perform one-timemigrations or replicate ongoing changes to keep sources and targets in sync. AWS DMSautomatically manages the deployment, management, and monitoring of all hardware andsoftware needed for your migration. AWS DMS is a highly resilient, secure cloud servicethat provides database discovery, schema conversion, data migration, and ongoingreplication to and from a wide range of databases and analytics systems12. References:Database Migration – AWS Database Migration Service – AWSWhat is AWS Database Migration Service? – AWS Database Migration Service

Question # 9
A company wants to allow users to authenticate and authorize multiple AWS accounts byusing a single set of credentials.Which AWS service or resource will meet this requirement?

A. AWS Organizations
B. IAM user
C. AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On)
D. AWS Control Tower

Answer: C
Explanation: AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On) is a cloud-based servicethat makes it easy to centrally manage single sign-on (SSO) access to multiple AWSaccounts and business applications. You can use AWS SSO to enable your users to sign into the AWS Management Console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) withtheir existing corporate credentials2. You can also manage SSO access and userpermissions across all your AWS accounts in AWS Organizations3. References: AWSSingle Sign-On – AWS Documentation, AWS Organizations – AWS Documentation

Question # 10
An ecommerce company wants to use Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to add and remove EC2instances based on CPU utilization. Which AWS service or feature can initiate an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling action to achievethis goal?

A. Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)
B. Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)
C. AWS Systems Manager
D. Amazon CloudWatch alarm

Answer: D
Explanation: Amazon CloudWatch alarm is an AWS service or feature that can initiate anAmazon EC2 Auto Scaling action based on CPU utilization. Amazon CloudWatch is amonitoring and observability service that collects and tracks metrics, logs, events, andalarms for your AWS resources and applications. Amazon CloudWatch alarms are actionsthat you can configure to send notifications or automatically make changes to theresources you are monitoring based on rules that you define67.Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is a service that helps you maintain application availability andallows you to automatically add or remove EC2 instances according to definableconditions. You can create dynamic scaling policies that track a specific CloudWatchmetric, such as CPU utilization, and define what action to take when the associatedCloudWatch alarm is in ALARM. When the policy is in effect, Amazon EC2 Auto Scalingadjusts the group’s desired capacity up or down when the threshold of an alarm isbreached89. References: 6: Cloud Monitoring – Amazon CloudWatch – AWS, 7: AmazonCloudWatch Documentation, 8: Dynamic scaling for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, 9: AmazonEC2 Auto Scaling Documentation

Question # 11
A company needs to track the activity in its AWS accounts, and needs to know when anAPI call is made against its AWS resources. Which AWS tool or service can be used tomeet these requirements?

A. Amazon CloudWatch
B. Amazon Inspector
C. AWS CloudTrail

Answer: C
Explanation: AWS CloudTrail is the service that can be used to meet these requirements.AWS CloudTrail is a service that records AWS API calls for your account and delivers logfiles to you. The recorded information includes the identity of the API caller, the time of theAPI call, the source IP address of the API caller, the request parameters, and the responseelements returned by the AWS service1. You can use CloudTrail to track the activity in yourAWS accounts, such as who made an API call, when it was made, and what resourceswere affected. You can also use CloudTrail to monitor the compliance, security, andgovernance of your AWS environment2. The other services are not designed to track theactivity and API calls in your AWS accounts. Amazon CloudWatch is a service thatmonitors and collects metrics, logs, and events from your AWS resources and applications. You can use CloudWatch to set alarms, visualize data, and automate actionsbased on predefined thresholds or rules3. Amazon Inspector is a service that helps youimprove the security and compliance of your applications running on AWS. Inspectorautomatically assesses applications for exposure, vulnerabilities, and deviations from bestpractices4. AWS IAM is a service that enables you to manage access to AWS services andresources securely. IAM allows you to create and manage AWS users and groups, and usepermissions to allow and deny their access to AWS resources. References: AWSCloudTrail, AWS CloudTrail – Capture AWS API Activity, Amazon CloudWatch, AmazonInspector, [AWS IAM]

Question # 12
Which AWS service enables companies to deploy an application dose to end users?

A. Amazon CloudFront
B. AWS Auto Scaling
C. AWS AppSync
D. Amazon Route S3

Answer: A
Explanation:Amazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service that securely deliversdata, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with low latency, high transferspeeds, all within a developer-friendly environment. CloudFront enables companies todeploy an application close to end users by caching the application’s content at edgelocations that are geographically closer to the users. This reduces the network latency andimproves the user experience. CloudFront also integrates with other AWS services, suchas Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, AWS Shield, and AWS WAF, to provide asecure and scalable solution for delivering applications12. References:What Is Amazon CloudFront? – Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudFront Features – Amazon CloudFront

Question # 13
A company needs to perform data processing once a week that typically takes about 5hours to complete. Which AWS service should the company use for this workload?

A. AWS Lambda
B. Amazon EC2
C. AWS CodeDeploy
D. AWS Wavelength

Answer: B
Explanation: Amazon EC2 is the most suitable AWS service for this workload. AmazonEC2 provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. You can launch virtualservers, called instances, and configure them according to your needs. You can choosefrom different instance types, sizes, and families, and pay only for the resources youuse. Amazon EC2 also offers features such as auto scaling, load balancing, securitygroups, and placement groups to optimize your performance, availability, andsecurity1. Amazon EC2 is ideal for workloads that require consistent and reliable computepower, such as data processing, web hosting, gaming, and high-performance computing2.The other services are not suitable for this workload. AWS Lambda is a serverless computeservice that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only forthe compute time you consume. Lambda is best for short-lived, stateless, and event-drivenworkloads that can be completed in under 15 minutes3. AWS CodeDeploy is a deploymentservice that automates application deployments to Amazon EC2 instances, on-premises instances, serverless Lambda functions, or Amazon ECS services. CodeDeploy is not acompute service, but a tool to help you update your applications with minimal downtime4.AWS Wavelength is a service that delivers ultra-low latency applications for 5G devices.Wavelength embeds AWS compute and storage services at the edge oftelecommunications providers’ 5G networks. Wavelength is designed for mobile edgecomputing, such as interactive gaming, video streaming, and augmentedreality. References: Amazon EC2, Amazon EC2 Use Cases, AWS Lambda, AWSCodeDeploy, [AWS Wavelength]

Question # 14
Which AWS service or tool gives users the ability to connect with AWS and deployresources programmatically?

A. Amazon quickSight
B. AWS PrivateLink
C. AWS Direct Connect

Answer: D
Explanation: AWS SDKs are a set of tools that allow users to connect with AWS anddeploy resources programmatically. AWS SDKs provide libraries, code samples,documentation, and other resources to help users write code that interacts with AWS APIs.AWS SDKs support various programming languages, such as Java, Python, Ruby, .NET,Node.js, Go, and more. AWS SDKs make it easier for users to access AWS services, suchas Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and more, from theirapplications. AWS SDKs also handle tasks such as authentication, error handling, retries,and data serialization, so users can focus on their application logic .The other options are not AWS services or tools that give users the ability to connect withAWS and deploy resources programmatically. Amazon QuickSight is a businessintelligence service that lets users create and share interactive dashboards andvisualizations1. AWS PrivateLink is a service that enables users to securely accessservices hosted on AWS in a scalable and cost-effective manner2. AWS Direct Connect isa service that establishes a dedicated network connection between a user’s premises andAWS3.

Question # 15
Which AWS Cloud service can send alerts to customers if custom spending thresholds areexceeded?

A. AWS Budgets
B. AWS Cost Explorer
C. AWS Cost Allocation Tags
D. AWS Organizations

Answer: A
Explanation: AWS Budgets is a service that allows you to set custom budgets for yourAWS costs and usage, and receive alerts via email or Amazon SNS notifications if youexceed or are forecasted to exceed your budgeted amount1. You can create budgetsbased on different dimensions, such as service, linked account, tag, or purchase option,and define various types of alerts, such as actual, forecasted, or RI utilization alerts2. Youcan also configure custom actions to automatically execute remediation tasks or workflowswhen a budget threshold is breached3. AWS Budgets is the only service among theoptions that can send alerts to customers if custom spending thresholds are exceeded. Theother options are not AWS services that provide this functionality.

Question # 16
Which AWS feature provides a no-cost platform for AWS users to join community groups,ask questions, find answers, and read community-generated articles about best practices?

A. AWS Knowledge Center
B. AWS re:Post
C. AWS 10
D. AWS Enterprise Support

Answer: B
Explanation: AWS re:Post is a no-cost platform for AWS users to join community groups,ask questions, find answers, and read community-generated articles about best practices.AWS re:Post is a social media platform that connects AWS users with each other and withAWS experts. Users can create posts, comment on posts, follow topics, and join groupsrelated to AWS services, solutions, and use cases. AWS re:Post also features live eventfeeds, community stories, and AWS Hero profiles. AWS re:Post is a great way to learn fromthe AWS community, share your knowledge, and get inspired. References:AWS re:PostJoin the Conversation

Question # 17
Which AWS service provides command line access to AWS tools and resources directly(torn a web browser?

B. AWS CloudShell
C. Amazon Workspaces
D. AWS Cloud Map

Answer: B
Explanation: AWS CloudShell is the service that provides command line access to AWStools and resources directly from a web browser. AWS CloudShell is a browser-based shellthat makes it easy to securely manage, explore, and interact with your AWS resources. Itcomes pre-authenticated with your console credentials and common development andadministration tools are pre-installed, so no local installation or configuration is required.You can open AWS CloudShell from the AWS Management Console with a single click andstart running commands and scripts using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI),Git, or SDKs. AWS CloudShell also provides persistent home directories with 1 GB ofstorage per AWS Region12. The other services do not provide command line access toAWS tools and resources directly from a web browser. AWS CloudHSM is a service thathelps you meet corporate, contractual and regulatory compliance requirements for datasecurity by using dedicated Hardware Security Module (HSM) appliances within the AWSCloud3. Amazon WorkSpaces is a service that provides a fully managed, secure Desktopas-a-Service (DaaS) solution that runs on AWS4. AWS Cloud Map is a service that makesit easy for your applications to discover and connect to each other using logical names andattributes5. References: AWS CloudShell, AWS CloudShell – Command-Line Access toAWS Resources, AWS CloudHSM, Amazon WorkSpaces, AWS Cloud Map

Question # 18
Which AWS service can run a managed PostgreSQL database that provides onlinetransaction processing (OLTP)?

A. Amazon DynamoDB
B. Amazon Athena
C. Amazon RDS
D. Amazon EMR

Answer: C
Explanation: Amazon RDS is a fully managed relational database service that supports several database engines, including PostgreSQL. Amazon RDS can run a managedPostgreSQL database that provides online transaction processing (OLTP), which is a typeof database workload that handles frequent read and write operations on small amounts ofdata. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL offers high performance, availability, scalability,security, and compatibility with the PostgreSQL community edition. Amazon RDS alsoprovides automated backups, point-in-time recovery, encryption, monitoring, andmaintenance for PostgreSQL databases. References:Hosted PostgreSQL – Amazon RDS for PostgreSQLOLTP Database, MySQL And PostgreSQL Managed Database – Amazon AuroraPostgreSQL options on AWS: Self- managed, managed, and serverless

Question # 19
Which responsibility belongs to AWS when a company hosts its databases on AmazonEC2 instances?

A. Database backups
B. Database software patches
C. Operating system patches
D. Operating system installations

Answer: C
Explanation: When a company hosts its databases on Amazon EC2 instances, AWS andthe customer share the responsibility for the security and management of the databaseenvironment. According to the AWS shared responsibility model, AWS is responsible forthe security of the cloud, while the customer is responsible for the security in the cloud.This means that AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs the EC2instances, such as the hardware, software, networking, and facilities. The customer isresponsible for properly configuring the security of the provided service, such as the guestoperating system, the database software, the data, and the network traffic12.One of the tasks that belongs to AWS when a company hosts its databases on AmazonEC2 instances is operating system patches. AWS provides regular updates and patches tothe operating system of the EC2 instances, which are applied automatically by default. Thecustomer can also choose to manually apply the patches or schedule them for a specifictime window3. Operating system patches are important for maintaining the security andperformance of the EC2 instances and the databases running on them.The other tasks that belong to AWS when a company hosts its databases on Amazon EC2instances are:Operating system installations: AWS provides a variety of operating systemoptions for the EC2 instances, such as Linux, Windows, and Amazon Linux. Thecustomer can choose the operating system that best suits their database needsand AWS will install it on the EC2 instances4.Server maintenance: AWS performs regular maintenance and repairs on thephysical servers that host the EC2 instances, ensuring that they are in optimal condition and have adequate power, cooling, and network connectivity5.Hardware lifecycle: AWS manages the lifecycle of the hardware that supports theEC2 instances, such as replacing faulty components, upgrading equipment, anddecommissioning old servers.The tasks that do not belong to AWS when a company hosts its databases on AmazonEC2 instances are:Database backups: The customer is responsible for backing up their data anddatabases on the EC2 instances, using tools such as Amazon S3, Amazon EBSsnapshots, or AWS Backup. Database backups are essential for data protectionand recovery in case of failures or disasters.Database software patches: The customer is responsible for applying patches andupdates to the database software on the EC2 instances, such as MySQL,PostgreSQL, Oracle, or SQL Server. Database software patches are important forfixing bugs, improving features, and addressing security vulnerabilities.Database software install: The customer is responsible for installing the databasesoftware on the EC2 instances, choosing the version and configuration that meetstheir requirements. AWS provides some preconfigured AMIs (Amazon MachineImages) that include common database software, or the customer can use theirown custom AMIs.References:Shared Responsibility Model – Amazon Web Services (AWS)Shared responsibility model – Amazon Web Services: Risk and CompliancePatching Amazon EC2 instances – AWS Systems ManagerAmazon EC2 FAQs – Amazon Web ServicesMaintenance and Retirements – Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud[Hardware Lifecycle – Amazon Web Services (AWS)][Backing Up Your Data – Amazon Web Services (AWS)][Database Patching – Amazon Web Services (AWS)][Installing Database Software on Amazon EC2 Instances – Amazon Web Services(AWS)]

Question # 20
A developer needs to maintain a development environment infrastructure and a productionenvironment infrastructure in a repeatable fashion Which AWS service should thedeveloper use to meet these requirements?

A. AWS Ground Station
B. AWS Shield
C. AWS loT Device Defender
D. AWS CloudFormation

Answer: D
Explanation: AWS CloudFormation is a service that allows developers to model andprovision their AWS infrastructure in a repeatable and declarative way, using code andtemplates. AWS CloudFormation enables developers to define the resources they need fortheir development and production environments, such as compute, storage, network, andapplication services, and automate their creation and configuration. AWS CloudFormationalso provides features such as change sets, nested stacks, and rollback triggers to helpdevelopers manage and update their infrastructure safely and efficiently12. References: AWS CloudFormationWhat is AWS CloudFormation?
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