Amazon SAA-C03 Exam Dumps

07 Jan


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Amazon SAA-C03 Sample Questions

Question # 1
A company is developing a mobile game that streams score updates to a backendprocessor and then posts results on a leaderboard A solutions architect needs to design asolution that can handle large traffic spikes process the mobile game updates in order ofreceipt, and store the processed updates in a highly available database The company alsowants to minimize the management overhead required to maintain the solutionWhat should the solutions architect do to meet these requirements?

A. Push score updates to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Process the updates in KinesisData Streams with AWS Lambda Store the processed updates in Amazon DynamoDB.
B. Push score updates to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. Process the updates with a fleetof Amazon EC2 instances set up for Auto Scaling Store the processed updates in AmazonRedshift.
C. Push score updates to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topicSubscribe an AWS Lambda function to the SNS topic to process the updates. Store theprocessed updates in a SQL database running on Amazon EC2.
D. Push score updates to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue. Use afleet of Amazon EC2 instances with Auto Scaling to process the updates in the SQSqueue. Store the processed updates in an Amazon RDS Multi-AZ DB instance.

Answer: A
Explanation: Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a scalable and reliable service that caningest, buffer, and process streaming data in real-time. It can handle large traffic spikesand preserve the order of the incoming data records. AWS Lambda is a serverlesscompute service that can process the data streams from Kinesis Data Streams withoutrequiring any infrastructure management. It can also scale automatically to match thethroughput of the data stream. Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed, highly available,and fast NoSQL database that can store the processed updates from Lambda. It can alsohandle high write throughput and provide consistent performance. By using these services,the solutions architect can design a solution that meets the requirements of the companywith the least operational overhead.

Question # 2
A company runs an SMB file server in its data center. The file server stores large files thatthe company frequently accesses for up to 7 days after the file creation date. After 7 days,the company needs to be able to access the files with a maximum retrieval time of 24hours.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Use AWS DataSync to copy data that is older than 7 days from the SMB file server toAWS.
B. Create an Amazon S3 File Gateway to increase the company’s storage space. Createan S3 Lifecycle policy to transition the data to S3 Glacier Deep Archive after 7 days.
C. Create an Amazon FSx File Gateway to increase the company’s storage space. Createan Amazon S3 Lifecycle policy to transition the data after 7 days.
D. Configure access to Amazon S3 for each user. Create an S3 Lifecycle policy totransition the data to S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval after 7 days.

Answer: B
Explanation:Amazon S3 File Gateway is a service that provides a file-based interface to Amazon S3,which appears as a network file share. It enables you to store and retrieve Amazon S3objects through standard file storage protocols such as SMB. S3 File Gateway can alsocache frequently accessed data locally for low-latency access. S3 Lifecycle policy is afeature that allows you to define rules that automate the management of your objectsthroughout their lifecycle. You can use S3 Lifecycle policy to transition objects to differentstorage classes based on their age and access patterns. S3 Glacier Deep Archive is astorage class that offers the lowest cost for long-term data archiving, with a retrieval time of12 hours or 48 hours. This solution will meet the requirements, as it allows the company tostore large files in S3 with SMB file access, and to move the files to S3 Glacier DeepArchive after 7 days for cost savings and compliance.References: 1 provides an overview of Amazon S3 File Gateway and its benefits.2 explains how to use S3 Lifecycle policy to manage object storage lifecycle.3 describes the features and use cases of S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class.

Question # 3
A company has an organization in AWS Organizations that has all features enabled Thecompany requires that all API calls and logins in any existing or new AWS account must beaudited The company needs a managed solution to prevent additional work and tominimize costs The company also needs to know when any AWS account is not compliantwith the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices (FSBP) standard.Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

A. Deploy an AWS Control Tower environment in the Organizations management accountEnable AWS Security Hub and AWS Control Tower Account Factory in the environment.
B. Deploy an AWS Control Tower environment in a dedicated Organizations memberaccount Enable AWS Security Hub and AWS Control Tower Account Factory in theenvironment.
C. Use AWS Managed Services (AMS) Accelerate to build a multi-account landing zone(MALZ) Submit an RFC to self-service provision Amazon GuardDuty in the MALZ.
D. Use AWS Managed Services (AMS) Accelerate to build a multi-account landing zone(MALZ) Submit an RFC to self-service provision AWS Security Hub in the MALZ.

Answer: A
Explanation: AWS Control Tower is a fully managed service that simplifies the setup and
governance of a secure, compliant, multi-account AWS environment. It establishes alanding zone that is based on best-practices blueprints, and it enables governance usingcontrols you can choose from a pre-packaged list. The landing zone is a well-architected,multi-account baseline that follows AWS best practices. Controls implement governancerules for security, compliance, and operations. AWS Security Hub is a service that providesa comprehensive view of your security posture across your AWS accounts. It aggregates,organizes, and prioritizes security alerts and findings from multiple AWS services, such asAmazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, Amazon Macie, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWSIAM Access Analyzer, as well as from AWS Partner solutions. AWS Security Hubcontinuously monitors your environment using automated compliance checks based on theAWS best practices and industry standards, such as the AWS Foundational Security BestPractices (FSBP) standard. AWS Control Tower Account Factory is a feature thatautomates the provisioning of new AWS accounts that are preconfigured to meet yourbusiness, security, and compliance requirements. By deploying an AWS Control Towerenvironment in the Organizations management account, you can leverage the existingorganization structure and policies, and enable AWS Security Hub and AWS Control TowerAccount Factory in the environment. This way, you can audit all API calls and logins in anyexisting or new AWS account, monitor the compliance status of each account with the FSBP standard, and provision new accounts with ease and consistency. This solutionmeets the requirements with the least operational overhead, as you do not need to manageany infrastructure, perform any data migration, or submit any requests for changes.References:AWS Control Tower[AWS Security Hub][AWS Control Tower Account Factory]

Question # 4
A solutions architect is designing a user authentication solution for a company The solutionmust invoke two-factor authentication for users that log in from inconsistent geographicallocations. IP addresses, or devices. The solution must also be able to scale up toaccommodate millions of users.Which solution will meet these requirements’?

A. Configure Amazon Cognito user pools for user authentication Enable the nsk-basedadaptive authentication feature with multi-factor authentication (MFA)
B. Configure Amazon Cognito identity pools for user authentication Enable multi-factorauthentication (MFA).
C. Configure AWS Identity and Access Management (1AM) users for user authenticationAttach an 1AM policy that allows the AllowManageOwnUserMFA action
D. Configure AWS 1AM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On) authentication for userauthentication Configure the permission sets to require multi-factor authentication(MFA)

Answer: A
Explanation: Amazon Cognito user pools provide a secure and scalable user directory for
user authentication and management. User pools support various authentication methods,such as username and password, email and password, phone number and password, andsocial identity providers. User pools also support multi-factor authentication (MFA), whichadds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide a verification code or abiometric factor in addition to their credentials. User pools can also enable risk-basedadaptive authentication, which dynamically adjusts the authentication challenge based onthe risk level of the sign-in attempt. For example, if a user tries to sign in from an unfamiliardevice or location, the user pool can require a stronger authentication factor, such as SMSor email verification code. This feature helps to protect user accounts from unauthorizedaccess and reduce the friction for legitimate users. User pools can scale up to millions ofusers and integrate with other AWS services, such as Amazon SNS, Amazon SES, AWSLambda, and AWS KMS.Amazon Cognito identity pools provide a way to federate identities from multiple identityproviders, such as user pools, social identity providers, and corporate identity providers.Identity pools allow users to access AWS resources with temporary, limited-privilegecredentials. Identity pools do not provide user authentication or management features,such as MFA or adaptive authentication. Therefore, option B is not correct.AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a service that helps to manage access toAWS resources. IAM users are entities that represent people or applications that need tointeract with AWS. IAM users can be authenticated with a password or an access key. IAMusers can also enable MFA for their own accounts, by using theAllowManageOwnUserMFA action in an IAM policy. However, IAM users are not suitablefor user authentication for web or mobile applications, as they are intended foradministrative purposes. IAM users also do not support adaptive authentication based onrisk factors. Therefore, option C is not correct.AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On) is a service that enables users to sign into multiple AWS accounts and applications with a single set of credentials. AWS SSOsupports various identity sources, such as AWS SSO directory, AWS Managed MicrosoftAD, and external identity providers. AWS SSO also supports MFA for user authentication,which can be configured in the permission sets that define the level of access for eachuser. However, AWS SSO does not support adaptive authentication based on risk factors.Therefore, option D is not correct.References:Amazon Cognito User PoolsAdding Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to a User PoolRisk-Based Adaptive AuthenticationAmazon Cognito Identity PoolsIAM UsersEnabling MFA DevicesAWS Single Sign-OnHow AWS SSO Works

Question # 5
A solutions architect needs to design the architecture for an application that a vendorprovides as a Docker container image The container needs 50 GB of storage available fortemporary files The infrastructure must be serverless.Which solution meets these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

A. Create an AWS Lambda function that uses the Docker container image with an AmazonS3 mounted volume that has more than 50 GB of space
B. Create an AWS Lambda function that uses the Docker container image with an AmazonElastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume that has more than 50 GB of space
C. Create an Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) cluster that uses the AWSFargate launch type Create a task definition for the container image with an AmazonElastic File System (Amazon EFS) volume. Create a service with that task definition.
D. Create an Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) cluster that uses theAmazon EC2 launch type with an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume thathas more than 50 GB of space Create a task definition for the container image. Create aservice with that task definition.

Answer: C
Explanation:The AWS Fargate launch type is a serverless way to run containers on Amazon ECS,without having to manage any underlying infrastructure. You only pay for the resourcesrequired to run your containers, and AWS handles the provisioning, scaling, and security ofthe cluster. Amazon EFS is a fully managed, elastic, and scalable file system that can bemounted to multiple containers, and provides high availability and durability. By using AWSFargate and Amazon EFS, you can run your Docker container image with 50 GB of storage available for temporary files, with the least operational overhead. This solution meets therequirements of the question.References:AWS FargateAmazon Elastic File SystemUsing Amazon EFS file systems with Amazon ECS

Question # 6
A company uses AWS Organizations to run workloads within multiple AWS accounts Atagging policy adds department tags to AWS resources when the company creates tags.An accounting team needs to determine spending on Amazon EC2 consumption Theaccounting team must determine which departments are responsible for the costsregardless of AWS account The accounting team has access to AWS Cost Explorer for allAWS accounts within the organization and needs to access all reports from Cost Explorer.Which solution meets these requirements in the MOST operationally efficient way’?

A. From the Organizations management account billing console, activate a user-definedcost allocation tag named department Create one cost report in Cost Explorer grouping by tag name, and filter by EC2.
B. From the Organizations management account billing console, activate an AWS-definedcost allocation tag named department. Create one cost report in Cost Explorer grouping bytag name, and filter by EC2.
C. From the Organizations member account billing console, activate a user-defined costallocation tag named department. Create one cost report in Cost Explorer grouping by thetag name, and filter by EC2.
D. From the Organizations member account billing console, activate an AWS-defined costallocation tag named department. Create one cost report in Cost Explorer grouping by tagname and filter by EC2.

Answer: B
Explanation: This solution meets the following requirements:
It is operationally efficient, as it only requires one activation of the cost allocationtag and one creation of the cost report from the management account, which hasaccess to all the member accounts’ data and billing preferences.It is consistent, as it uses the AWS-defined cost allocation tag named department,which is automatically applied to resources when the company creates tags usingthe tagging policy enforced by AWS Organizations. This ensures that the tag nameand value are the same across all the resources and accounts, and avoids anydiscrepancies or errors that might arise from user-defined tags.It is informative, as it creates one cost report in Cost Explorer grouping by the tagname, and filters by EC2. This allows the accounting team to see the breakdownof EC2 consumption and costs by department, regardless of the AWS account.The team can also use other features of Cost Explorer, such as charts, filters, andforecasts, to analyze and optimize the spending.References:Using AWS cost allocation tags – AWS BillingUser-defined cost allocation tags – AWS BillingCost Tagging and Reporting with AWS Organizations

Question # 7
A company is building an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster for itsworkloads. All secrets that are stored in Amazon EKS must be encrypted in the Kubernetesetcd key-value store.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Create a new AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key Use AWS SecretsManager to manage rotate, and store all secrets in Amazon EKS.
B. Create a new AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key Enable Amazon EKSKMS secrets encryption on the Amazon EKS cluster.
C. Create the Amazon EKS cluster with default options Use the Amazon Elastic BlockStore (Amazon EBS) Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver as an add-on.
D. Create a new AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key with the ahas/aws/ebsalias Enable default Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume encryption for theaccount.

Answer: B
Explanation: This option is the most secure and simple way to encrypt the secrets that are
stored in Amazon EKS. AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) is a service thatallows you to create and manage encryption keys that can be used to encrypt your data.Amazon EKS KMS secrets encryption is a feature that enables you to use a KMS key toencrypt the secrets that are stored in the Kubernetes etcd key-value store. This provides anadditional layer of protection for your sensitive data, such as passwords, tokens, and keys.You can create a new KMS key or use an existing one, and then enable the Amazon EKSKMS secrets encryption on the Amazon EKS cluster. You can also use IAM policies tocontrol who can access or use the KMS key.Option A is not correct because using AWS Secrets Manager to manage, rotate, and storeall secrets in Amazon EKS is not necessary or efficient. AWS Secrets Manager is a servicethat helps you securely store, retrieve, and rotate your secrets, such as databasecredentials, API keys, and passwords. You can use it to manage secrets that are used byyour applications or services outside of Amazon EKS, but it is not designed to encrypt thesecrets that are stored in the Kubernetes etcd key-value store. Moreover, using AWSSecrets Manager would incur additional costs and complexity, and it would not leverage thenative Kubernetes secrets management capabilities.Option C is not correct because using the Amazon EBS Container Storage Interface (CSI)driver as an add-on does not encrypt the secrets that are stored in Amazon EKS. TheAmazon EBS CSI driver is a plugin that allows you to use Amazon EBS volumes aspersistent storage for your Kubernetes pods. It is useful for providing durable and scalablestorage for your applications, but it does not affect the encryption of the secrets that arestored in the Kubernetes etcd key-value store. Moreover, using the Amazon EBS CSIdriver would require additional configuration and resources, and it would not provide thesame level of security as using a KMS key.Option D is not correct because creating a new AWS KMS key with the alias aws/ebs andenabling default Amazon EBS volume encryption for the account does not encrypt thesecrets that are stored in Amazon EKS. The alias aws/ebs is a reserved alias that is usedby AWS to create a default KMS key for your account. This key is used to encrypt theAmazon EBS volumes that are created in your account, unless you specify a different KMSkey. Enabling default Amazon EBS volume encryption for the account is a setting that ensures that all new Amazon EBS volumes are encrypted by default. However, thesefeatures do not affect the encryption of the secrets that are stored in the Kubernetes etcdkey-value store. Moreover, using the default KMS key or the default encryption settingwould not provide the same level of control and security as using a custom KMS key andenabling the Amazon EKS KMS secrets encryption feature. References:Encrypting secrets used in Amazon EKSWhat Is AWS Key Management Service?What Is AWS Secrets Manager?Amazon EBS CSI driverEncryption at rest

Question # 8
A retail company has several businesses. The IT team for each business manages its ownAWS account. Each team account is part of an organization in AWS Organizations. Eachteam monitors its product inventory levels in an Amazon DynamoDB table in the team’sown AWS account.The company is deploying a central inventory reporting application into a shared AWSaccount. The application must be able to read items from all the teams’ DynamoDB tables.Which authentication option will meet these requirements MOST securely?

A. Integrate DynamoDB with AWS Secrets Manager in the inventory application account.Configure the application to use the correct secret from Secrets Manager to authenticateand read the DynamoDB table. Schedule secret rotation for every 30 days.
B. In every business account, create an 1AM user that has programmatic access.Configure the application to use the correct 1AM user access key ID and secret access keyto authenticate and read the DynamoDB table. Manually rotate 1AM access keys every 30days.
C. In every business account, create an 1AM role named BU_ROLE with a policy that givesthe role access to the DynamoDB table and a trust policy to trust a specific role in theinventory application account. In the inventory account, create a role named APP_ROLEthat allows access to the STS AssumeRole API operation. Configure the application to useAPP_ROLE and assume the cross-account role BU_ROLE to read the DynamoDB table.
D. Integrate DynamoDB with AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Generate identitycertificates to authenticate DynamoDB. Configure the application to use the correctcertificate to authenticate and read the DynamoDB table.

Answer: C
Explanation: This solution meets the requirements most securely because it uses IAM
roles and the STS AssumeRole API operation to authenticate and authorize the inventoryapplication to access the DynamoDB tables in different accounts. IAM roles are moresecure than IAM users or certificates because they do not require long-term credentials orpasswords. Instead, IAM roles provide temporary security credentials that are automaticallyrotated and can be configured with a limited duration. The STS AssumeRole API operationenables you to request temporary credentials for a role that you are allowed to assume. Byusing this operation, you can delegate access to resources that are in different AWSaccounts that you own or that are owned by third parties. The trust policy of the role defineswhich entities can assume the role, and the permissions policy of the role defines whichactions can be performed on the resources. By using this solution, you can avoid hardcodingcredentials or certificates in the inventory application, and you can also avoidstoring them in Secrets Manager or ACM. You can also leverage the built-in securityfeatures of IAM and STS, such as MFA, access logging, and policy conditions.References: IAM RolesSTS AssumeRoleTutorial: Delegate Access Across AWS Accounts Using IAM Roles

Question # 9
A company built an application with Docker containers and needs to run the application inthe AWS Cloud The company wants to use a managed sen/ice to host the applicationThe solution must scale in and out appropriately according to demand on the individualcontainer services The solution also must not result in additional operational overhead orinfrastructure to manageWhich solutions will meet these requirements? (Select TWO)

A. Use Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) with AWS Fargate.
B. Use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) with AWS Fargate.
C. Provision an Amazon API Gateway API Connect the API to AWS Lambda to run the containers.
D. Use Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) with Amazon EC2 worker nodes.
E. Use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) with Amazon EC2 workernodes.

Answer: A,B
Explanation: These options are the best solutions because they allow the company to run
the application with Docker containers in the AWS Cloud using a managed service thatscales automatically and does not require any infrastructure to manage. By using AWSFargate, the company can launch and run containers without having to provision, configure,or scale clusters of EC2 instances. Fargate allocates the right amount of computeresources for each container and scales them up or down as needed. By using AmazonECS or Amazon EKS, the company can choose the container orchestration platform thatsuits its needs. Amazon ECS is a fully managed service that integrates with other AWSservices and simplifies the deployment and management of containers. Amazon EKS is amanaged service that runs Kubernetes on AWS and provides compatibility with existingKubernetes tools and plugins.C. Provision an Amazon API Gateway API Connect the API to AWS Lambda to run thecontainers. This option is not feasible because AWS Lambda does not support runningDocker containers directly. Lambda functions are executed in a sandboxed environmentthat is isolated from other functions and resources. To run Docker containers on Lambda,the company would need to use a custom runtime or a wrapper library that emulates theDocker API, which can introduce additional complexity and overhead.D. Use Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) with Amazon EC2 worker nodes.This option is not optimal because it requires the company to manage the EC2 instancesthat host the containers. The company would need to provision, configure, scale, patch,and monitor the EC2 instances, which can increase the operational overhead andinfrastructure costs.E. Use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) with Amazon EC2 workernodes. This option is not ideal because it requires the company to manage the EC2instances that host the containers. The company would need to provision, configure, scale,patch, and monitor the EC2 instances, which can increase the operational overhead andinfrastructure costs.References:1 AWS Fargate – Amazon Web Services2 Amazon Elastic Container Service – Amazon Web Services3 Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service – Amazon Web Services4 AWS Lambda FAQs – Amazon Web Services

Question # 10
A company uses Amazon S3 as its data lake. The company has a new partner that mustuse SFTP to upload data files A solutions architect needs to implement a highly availableSFTP solution that minimizes operational overhead.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Use AWS Transfer Family to configure an SFTP-enabled server with a publiclyaccessible endpoint Choose the S3 data lake as the destination
B. Use Amazon S3 File Gateway as an SFTP server Expose the S3 File Gateway endpointURL to the new partner Share the S3 File Gateway endpoint with the newpartner
C. Launch an Amazon EC2 instance in a private subnet in a VPC. Instruct the new partnerto upload files to the EC2 instance by using a VPN. Run a cron job script on the EC2instance to upload files to the S3 data lake
D. Launch Amazon EC2 instances in a private subnet in a VPC. Place a Network LoadBalancer (NLB) in front of the EC2 instances. Create an SFTP listener port for the NLB Share the NLB hostname with the new partner Run a cron job script on the EC2 instancesto upload files to the S3 data lake.

Answer: A
Explanation: This option is the most cost-effective and simple way to enable SFTP accessto the S3 data lake. AWS Transfer Family is a fully managed service that supports securefile transfers over SFTP, FTPS, and FTP protocols. You can create an SFTP-enabledserver with a public endpoint and associate it with your S3 bucket. You can also use AWSIdentity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies to control access to your S3 datalake. The service scales automatically to handle any volume of file transfers and provideshigh availability and durability. You do not need to provision, manage, or patch any serversor load balancers.Option B is not correct because Amazon S3 File Gateway is not an SFTP server. It is ahybrid cloud storage service that provides a local file system interface to S3. You can use itto store and retrieve files as objects in S3 using standard file protocols such as NFS andSMB. However, it does not support SFTP protocol, and it requires deploying a file gatewayappliance on-premises or on EC2.Option C is not cost-effective or scalable because it requires launching and managing anEC2 instance in a private subnet and setting up a VPN connection for the new partner. Thiswould incur additional costs for the EC2 instance, the VPN connection, and the datatransfer. It would also introduce complexity and security risks to the solution. Moreover, itwould require running a cron job script on the EC2 instance to upload files to the S3 datalake, which is not efficient or reliable.Option D is not cost-effective or scalable because it requires launching and managingmultiple EC2 instances in a private subnet and placing a NLB in front of them. This wouldincur additional costs for the EC2 instances, the NLB, and the data transfer. It would alsointroduce complexity and security risks to the solution. Moreover, it would require running acron job script on the EC2 instances to upload files to the S3 data lake, which is notefficient or reliable. References:What Is AWS Transfer Family?What Is Amazon S3 File Gateway?What Is Amazon EC2?[What Is Amazon Virtual Private Cloud?][What Is a Network Load Balancer?]

Question # 11
A company hosts an application used to upload files to an Amazon S3 bucket Onceuploaded, the files are processed to extract metadata which takes less than 5 seconds Thevolume and frequency of the uploads varies from a few files each hour to hundreds ofconcurrent uploads The company has asked a solutions architect to design a cost-effectivearchitecture that will meet these requirements.What should the solutions architect recommend?

A. Configure AWS CloudTrail trails to tog S3 API calls Use AWS AppSync to process thefiles.
B. Configure an object-created event notification within the S3 bucket to invoke an AWSLambda function to process the files.
C. Configure Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to process and send data to Amazon S3.Invoke an AWS Lambda function to process the files.
D. Configure an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic to process thefiles uploaded to Amazon S3 Invoke an AWS Lambda function to process the files.

Answer: B
Explanation: This option is the most cost-effective and scalable way to process the filesuploaded to S3. AWS CloudTrail is used to log API calls, not to trigger actions based onthem. AWS AppSync is a service for building GraphQL APIs, not for processing files.Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is used to ingest and process streaming data, not to senddata to S3. Amazon SNS is a pub/sub service that can be used to notify subscribers ofevents, not to process files. References:Using AWS Lambda with Amazon S3AWS CloudTrail FAQsWhat Is AWS AppSync?[What Is Amazon Kinesis Data Streams?][What Is Amazon Simple Notification Service?]

Question # 12
A company runs analytics software on Amazon EC2 instances The software accepts jobrequests from users to process data that has been uploaded to Amazon S3 Users reportthat some submitted data is not being processed Amazon CloudWatch reveals that theEC2 instances have a consistent CPU utilization at or near 100% The company wants toimprove system performance and scale the system based on user load.What should a solutions architect do to meet these requirements?

A. Create a copy of the instance Place all instances behind an Application Load Balancer
B. Create an S3 VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 Update the software to reference theendpoint
C. Stop the EC2 instances. Modify the instance type to one with a more powerful CPU andmore memory. Restart the instances.
D. Route incoming requests to Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) Configurean EC2 Auto Scaling group based on queue size Update the software to read from the queue.

Answer: D
Explanation: This option is the best solution because it allows the company to decouplethe analytics software from the user requests and scale the EC2 instances dynamicallybased on the demand. By using Amazon SQS, the company can create a queue thatstores the user requests and acts as a buffer between the users and the analytics software.This way, the software can process the requests at its own pace without losing any data oroverloading the EC2 instances. By using EC2 Auto Scaling, the company can create anAuto Scaling group that launches or terminates EC2 instances automatically based on thesize of the queue. This way, the company can ensure that there are enough instances tohandle the load and optimize the cost and performance of the system. By updating thesoftware to read from the queue, the company can enable the analytics software toconsume the requests from the queue and process the data from Amazon S3.A. Create a copy of the instance Place all instances behind an Application Load Balancer.This option is not optimal because it does not address the root cause of the problem, whichis the high CPU utilization of the EC2 instances. An Application Load Balancer candistribute the incoming traffic across multiple instances, but it cannot scale the instancesbased on the load or reduce the processing time of the analytics software. Moreover, thisoption can incur additional costs for the load balancer and the extra instances.B. Create an S3 VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 Update the software to reference theendpoint. This option is not effective because it does not solve the issue of the high CPUutilization of the EC2 instances. An S3 VPC endpoint can enable the EC2 instances toaccess Amazon S3 without going through the internet, which can improve the networkperformance and security. However, it cannot reduce the processing time of the analyticssoftware or scale the instances based on the load.C. Stop the EC2 instances. Modify the instance type to one with a more powerful CPU andmore memory. Restart the instances. This option is not scalable because it does notaccount for the variability of the user load. Changing the instance type to a more powerfulone can improve the performance of the analytics software, but it cannot adjust the numberof instances based on the demand. Moreover, this option can increase the cost of thesystem and cause downtime during the instance modification.References:1 Using Amazon SQS queues with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling – Amazon EC2 AutoScaling2 Tutorial: Set up a scaled and load-balanced application – Amazon EC2 AutoScaling3 Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling FAQs

Question # 13
A company is deploying an application that processes streaming data in near-real time Thecompany plans to use Amazon EC2 instances for the workload The network architecturemust be configurable to provide the lowest possible latency between nodesWhich combination of network solutions will meet these requirements? (Select TWO)

A. Enable and configure enhanced networking on each EC2 instance
B. Group the EC2 instances in separate accounts
C. Run the EC2 instances in a cluster placement group
D. Attach multiple elastic network interfaces to each EC2 instance
E. Use Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) optimized instance types.

Answer: A,C
Explanation: These options are the most suitable ways to configure the networkarchitecture to provide the lowest possible latency between nodes. Option A enables andconfigures enhanced networking on each EC2 instance, which is a feature that improvesthe network performance of the instance by providing higher bandwidth, lower latency, andlower jitter. Enhanced networking uses single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) or ElasticFabric Adapter (EFA) to provide direct access to the network hardware. You can enableand configure enhanced networking by choosing a supported instance type and acompatible operating system, and installing the required drivers. Option C runs the EC2instances in a cluster placement group, which is a logical grouping of instances within asingle Availability Zone that are placed close together on the same underlying hardware.Cluster placement groups provide the lowest network latency and the highest networkthroughput among the placement group options. You can run the EC2 instances in acluster placement group by creating a placement group and launching the instances into it.Option B is not suitable because grouping the EC2 instances in separate accounts doesnot provide the lowest possible latency between nodes. Separate accounts are used toisolate and organize resources for different purposes, such as security, billing, orcompliance. However, they do not affect the network performance or proximity of theinstances. Moreover, grouping the EC2 instances in separate accounts would incuradditional costs and complexity, and it would require setting up cross-account networkingand permissions.Option D is not suitable because attaching multiple elastic network interfaces to each EC2instance does not provide the lowest possible latency between nodes. Elastic networkinterfaces are virtual network interfaces that can be attached to EC2 instances to provideadditional network capabilities, such as multiple IP addresses, multiple subnets, orenhanced security. However, they do not affect the network performance or proximity of theinstances. Moreover, attaching multiple elastic network interfaces to each EC2 instancewould consume additional resources and limit the instance type choices. Option E is not suitable because using Amazon EBS optimized instance types does notprovide the lowest possible latency between nodes. Amazon EBS optimized instance typesare instances that provide dedicated bandwidth for Amazon EBS volumes, which are blockstorage volumes that can be attached to EC2 instances. EBS optimized instance typesimprove the performance and consistency of the EBS volumes, but they do not affect thenetwork performance or proximity of the instances. Moreover, using EBS optimizedinstance types would incur additional costs and may not be necessary for the streamingdata workload. References:Enhanced networking on LinuxPlacement groupsElastic network interfacesAmazon EBS-optimized instances

Question # 14
A company runs a container application on a Kubernetes cluster in the company’s datacenter The application uses Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) tocommunicate with a message queue The data center cannot scale fast enough to meet thecompany’s expanding business needs The company wants to migrate the workloads toAWSWhich solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead? \

A. Migrate the container application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)Use Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) to retrieve the messages.
B. Migrate the container application to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)Use Amazon MQ to retrieve the messages.
C. Use highly available Amazon EC2 instances to run the application Use Amazon MQ toretrieve the messages.
D. Use AWS Lambda functions to run the application Use Amazon Simple Queue Service(Amazon SQS) to retrieve the messages.

Answer: B
Explanation: This option is the best solution because it allows the company to migrate the
container application to AWS with minimal changes and leverage a managed service to runthe Kubernetes cluster and the message queue. By using Amazon EKS, the company canrun the container application on a fully managed Kubernetes control plane that iscompatible with the existing Kubernetes tools and plugins. Amazon EKS handles theprovisioning, scaling, patching, and security of the Kubernetes cluster, reducing theoperational overhead and complexity. By using Amazon MQ, the company can use a fullymanaged message broker service that supports AMQP and other popular messagingprotocols. Amazon MQ handles the administration, maintenance, and scaling of themessage broker, ensuring high availability, durability, and security of the messages.A. Migrate the container application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)Use Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) to retrieve the messages. This optionis not optimal because it requires the company to change the container orchestrationplatform from Kubernetes to ECS, which can introduce additional complexity and risk.Moreover, it requires the company to change the messaging protocol from AMQP to SQS,which can also affect the application logic and performance. Amazon ECS and AmazonSQS are both fully managed services that simplify the deployment and management ofcontainers and messages, but they may not be compatible with the existing applicationarchitecture and requirements.C. Use highly available Amazon EC2 instances to run the application Use Amazon MQ toretrieve the messages. This option is not ideal because it requires the company to managethe EC2 instances that host the container application. The company would need toprovision, configure, scale, patch, and monitor the EC2 instances, which can increase theoperational overhead and infrastructure costs. Moreover, the company would need toinstall and maintain the Kubernetes software on the EC2 instances, which can also addcomplexity and risk. Amazon MQ is a fully managed message broker service that supportsAMQP and other popular messaging protocols, but it cannot compensate for the lack of amanaged Kubernetes service.D. Use AWS Lambda functions to run the application Use Amazon Simple Queue Service(Amazon SQS) to retrieve the messages. This option is not feasible because AWS Lambdadoes not support running container applications directly. Lambda functions are executed ina sandboxed environment that is isolated from other functions and resources. To run container applications on Lambda, the company would need to use a custom runtime or awrapper library that emulates the container API, which can introduce additional complexityand overhead. Moreover, Lambda functions have limitations in terms of available CPU,memory, and runtime, which may not suit the application needs. Amazon SQS is a fullymanaged message queue service that supports asynchronous communication, but it doesnot support AMQP or other messaging protocols.References:1 Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service – Amazon Web Services2 Amazon MQ – Amazon Web Services3 Amazon Elastic Container Service – Amazon Web Services4 AWS Lambda FAQs – Amazon Web Services

Question # 15
A company runs a real-time data ingestion solution on AWS. The solution consists of themost recent version of Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK). Thesolution is deployed in a VPC in private subnets across three Availability Zones.A solutions architect needs to redesign the data ingestion solution to be publicly availableover the internet. The data in transit must also be encrypted.Which solution will meet these requirements with the MOST operational efficiency?

A. Configure public subnets in the existing VPC. Deploy an MSK cluster in the publicsubnets. Update the MSK cluster security settings to enable mutual TLS authentication.
B. Create a new VPC that has public subnets. Deploy an MSK cluster in the publicsubnets. Update the MSK cluster security settings to enable mutual TLS authentication.
C. Deploy an Application Load Balancer (ALB) that uses private subnets. Configure an ALBsecurity group inbound rule to allow inbound traffic from the VPC CIDR block for HTTPSprotocol.
D. Deploy a Network Load Balancer (NLB) that uses private subnets. Configure an NLBlistener for HTTPS communication over the internet.

Answer: A
Explanation: The solution that meets the requirements with the most operational efficiency
is to configure public subnets in the existing VPC and deploy an MSK cluster in the publicsubnets. This solution allows the data ingestion solution to be publicly available over theinternet without creating a new VPC or deploying a load balancer. The solution alsoensures that the data in transit is encrypted by enabling mutual TLS authentication, whichrequires both the client and the server to present certificates for verification. This solutionleverages the public access feature of Amazon MSK, which is available for clusters runningApache Kafka 2.6.0 or later versions1.The other solutions are not as efficient as the first one because they either createunnecessary resources or do not encrypt the data in transit. Creating a new VPC withpublic subnets would incur additional costs and complexity for managing network resourcesand routing. Deploying an ALB or an NLB would also add more costs and latency for thedata ingestion solution. Moreover, an ALB or an NLB would not encrypt the data in transitby itself, unless they are configured with HTTPS listeners and certificates, which wouldrequire additional steps and maintenance. Therefore, these solutions are not optimal for thegiven requirements.References:Public access – Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

Question # 16
A company runs a Java-based job on an Amazon EC2 instance. The job runs every hourand takes 10 seconds to run. The job runs on a scheduled interval and consumes 1 GB ofmemory. The CPU utilization of the instance is low except for short surges during which thejob uses the maximum CPU available. The company wants to optimize the costs to run thejob.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Use AWS App2Container (A2C) to containerize the job. Run the job as an AmazonElastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) task on AWS Fargate with 0.5 virtual CPU(vCPU) and 1 GB of memory.
B. Copy the code into an AWS Lambda function that has 1 GB of memory. Create anAmazon EventBridge scheduled rule to run the code each hour.
C. Use AWS App2Container (A2C) to containerize the job. Install the container in theexisting Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Ensure that the schedule stops the container whenthe task finishes.
D. Configure the existing schedule to stop the EC2 instance at the completion of the joband restart the EC2 instance when the next job starts.

Answer: B
Explanation: AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that allows you to run codewithout provisioning or managing servers. You can create Lambda functions using variouslanguages, including Java, and specify the amount of memory and CPU allocated to your function. Lambda charges you only for the compute time you consume, which is calculatedbased on the number of requests and the duration of your code execution. You can useAmazon EventBridge to trigger your Lambda function on a schedule, such as every hour,using cron or rate expressions. This solution will optimize the costs to run the job, as youwill not pay for any idle time or unused resources, unlike running the job on an EC2instance. References: 1: AWS Lambda – FAQs2, General Information section2: Tutorial:Schedule AWS Lambda functions using EventBridge3, Introduction section3: Scheduleexpressions using rate or cron – AWS Lambda4, Introduction section.

Question # 17
An ecommerce company runs applications in AWS accounts that are part of anorganization in AWS Organizations The applications run on Amazon Aurora PostgreSQLdatabases across all the accounts The company needs to prevent malicious activity andmust identify abnormal failed and incomplete login attempts to the databasesWhich solution will meet these requirements in the MOST operationally efficient way?

A. Attach service control policies (SCPs) to the root of the organization to identify the failedlogin attempts
B. Enable the Amazon RDS Protection feature in Amazon GuardDuty for the memberaccounts of the organization
C. Publish the Aurora general logs to a log group in Amazon CloudWatch Logs Export thelog data to a central Amazon S3 bucket
D. Publish all the Aurora PostgreSQL database events in AWS CloudTrail to a centralAmazon S3 bucket

Answer: C
Explanation: This option is the most operationally efficient way to meet the requirements
because it allows the company to monitor and analyze the database login activity across allthe accounts in the organization. By publishing the Aurora general logs to a log group inAmazon CloudWatch Logs, the company can enable the logging of the databaseconnections, disconnections, and failed authentication attempts. By exporting the log datato a central Amazon S3 bucket, the company can store the log data in a durable and costeffectiveway and use other AWS services or tools to perform further analysis or alerting onthe log data. For example, the company can use Amazon Athena to query the log data inAmazon S3, or use Amazon SNS to send notifications based on the log data.A. Attach service control policies (SCPs) to the root of the organization to identify the failedlogin attempts. This option is not effective because SCPs are not designed to identify thefailed login attempts, but to restrict the actions that the users and roles can perform in themember accounts of the organization. SCPs are applied to the AWS API calls, not to thedatabase login attempts. Moreover, SCPs do not provide any logging or analysiscapabilities for the database activity.B. Enable the Amazon RDS Protection feature in Amazon GuardDuty for the memberaccounts of the organization. This option is not optimal because the Amazon RDSProtection feature in Amazon GuardDuty is not available for Aurora PostgreSQLdatabases, but only for Amazon RDS for MySQL and Amazon RDS for MariaDB databases. Moreover, the Amazon RDS Protection feature does not monitor the databaselogin attempts, but the network and API activity related to the RDS instances.D. Publish all the Aurora PostgreSQL database events in AWS CloudTrail to a centralAmazon S3 bucket. This option is not sufficient because AWS CloudTrail does not capturethe database login attempts, but only the AWS API calls made by or on behalf of theAurora PostgreSQL database. For example, AWS CloudTrail can record the events suchas creating, modifying, or deleting the database instances, clusters, or snapshots, but notthe events such as connecting, disconnecting, or failing to authenticate to the database.References:1 Working with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL – Amazon Aurora2 Working with log groups and log streams – Amazon CloudWatch Logs3 Exporting Log Data to Amazon S3 – Amazon CloudWatch Logs[4] Amazon GuardDuty FAQs[5] Logging Amazon RDS API Calls with AWS CloudTrail – Amazon RelationalDatabase Service

Question # 18
A company needs to provide customers with secure access to its data. The companyprocesses customer data and stores the results in an Amazon S3 bucket.All the data is subject to strong regulations and security requirements. The data must beencrypted at rest. Each customer must be able to access only their data from their AWSaccount. Company employees must not be able to access the data.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Provision an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate for each customer. Encrypt thedata client-side. In the private certificate policy, deny access to the certificate for allprincipals except an 1AM role that the customer provides.
B. Provision a separate AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key for eachcustomer. Encrypt the data server-side. In the S3 bucket policy, deny decryption of data forall principals except an 1AM role that the customer provides.
C. Provision a separate AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key for eachcustomer. Encrypt the data server-side. In each KMS key policy, deny decryption of datafor all principals except an 1AM role that the customer provides.
D. Provision an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate for each customer. Encrypt thedata client-side. In the public certificate policy, deny access to the certificate for allprincipals except an 1AM role that the customer provides.

Answer: C
Explanation: The correct solution is to provision a separate AWS KMS key for each
customer and encrypt the data server-side. This way, the company can use the S3encryption feature to protect the data at rest and delegate the control of the encryption keysto the customers. The customers can then use their own IAM roles to access and decrypttheir data. The company employees will not be able to access the data because they arenot authorized by the KMS key policies. The other options are incorrect because:Option A and D are using ACM certificates to encrypt the data client-side. This isnot a recommended practice for S3 encryption because it adds complexity andoverhead to the encryption process. Moreover, the company will have to managethe certificates and their policies for each customer, which is not scalable andsecure.Option B is using a separate KMS key for each customer, but it is using the S3bucket policy to control the decryption access. This is not a secure solutionbecause the bucket policy applies to the entire bucket, not to individual objects.Therefore, the customers will be able to access and decrypt each other’s data ifthey have the permission to list the bucket contents. The bucket policy alsooverrides the KMS key policy, which means the company employees can accessthe data if they have the permission to use the KMS key.References:S3 encryptionKMS key policiesACM certificates

Question # 19
A company has a nightly batch processing routine that analyzes report files that an onpremisesfile system receives daily through SFTP. The company wants to move thesolution to the AWS Cloud. The solution must be highly available and resilient. The solutionalso must minimize operational effort.Which solution meets these requirements?

A. Deploy AWS Transfer for SFTP and an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) filesystem for storage. Use an Amazon EC2 instance in an Auto Scaling group with ascheduled scaling policy to run the batch operation.
B. Deploy an Amazon EC2 instance that runs Linux and an SFTP service. Use an AmazonElastic Block Store {Amazon EBS) volume for storage. Use an Auto Scaling group with theminimum number of instances and desired number of instances set to 1.
C. Deploy an Amazon EC2 instance that runs Linux and an SFTP service. Use an AmazonElastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system for storage. Use an Auto Scaling group withthe minimum number of instances and desired number of instances set to 1.
D. Deploy AWS Transfer for SFTP and an Amazon S3 bucket for storage. Modify theapplication to pull the batch files from Amazon S3 to an Amazon EC2 instance forprocessing. Use an EC2 instance in an Auto Scaling group with a scheduled scaling policyto run the batch operation.

Answer: D
Explanation: The solution that meets the requirements of high availability, performance,
security, and static IP addresses is to use Amazon CloudFront, Application Load Balancers(ALBs), Amazon Route 53, and AWS WAF. This solution allows the company to distributeits HTTP-based application globally using CloudFront, which is a content delivery network(CDN) service that caches content at edge locations and provides static IP addresses foreach edge location. The company can also use Route 53 latency-based routing to routerequests to the closest ALB in each Region, which balances the load across the EC2instances. The company can also deploy AWS WAF on the CloudFront distribution toprotect the application against common web exploits by creating rules that allow, block, orcount web requests based on conditions that are defined. The other solutions do not meetall the requirements because they either use Network Load Balancers (NLBs), which do notsupport HTTP-based applications, or they do not use CloudFront, which provides betterperformance and security than AWS Global Accelerator. References :=Amazon CloudFrontApplication Load BalancerAmazon Route 53AWS WAF

Question # 20
A company uses high concurrency AWS Lambda functions to process a constantlyincreasing number of messages in a message queue during marketing events. TheLambda functions use CPU intensive code to process the messages. The company wantsto reduce the compute costs and to maintain service latency for its customers.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Configure reserved concurrency for the Lambda functions. Decrease the memoryallocated to the Lambda functions.
B. Configure reserved concurrency for the Lambda functions. Increase the memoryaccording to AWS Compute Optimizer recommendations.
C. Configure provisioned concurrency for the Lambda functions. Decrease the memoryallocated to the Lambda functions.
D. Configure provisioned concurrency for the Lambda functions. Increase the memoryaccording to AWS Compute Optimizer recommendations.

Answer: D
Explanation: The company wants to reduce the compute costs and maintain service
latency for its Lambda functions that process a constantly increasing number of messagesin a message queue. The Lambda functions use CPU intensive code to process themessages. To meet these requirements, a solutions architect should recommend thefollowing solution:Configure provisioned concurrency for the Lambda functions. Provisionedconcurrency is the number of pre-initialized execution environments that areallocated to the Lambda functions. These execution environments are prepared torespond immediately to incoming function requests, reducing the cold start latency.Configuring provisioned concurrency also helps to avoid throttling errors due toreaching the concurrency limit of the Lambda service.Increase the memory according to AWS Compute Optimizer recommendations.AWS Compute Optimizer is a service that provides recommendations for optimalAWS resource configurations based on your utilization data. By increasing thememory allocated to the Lambda functions, you can also increase the CPU powerand improve the performance of your CPU intensive code. AWS ComputeOptimizer can help you find the optimal memory size for your Lambda functionsbased on your workload characteristics and performance goals.This solution will reduce the compute costs by avoiding unnecessary over-provisioning ofmemory and CPU resources, and maintain service latency by using provisionedconcurrency and optimal memory size for the Lambda functions.References:Provisioned ConcurrencyAWS Compute Optimizer
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