Amazon SAP-C02 Exam Dumps

07 Jan


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Amazon SAP-C02 Sample Questions

Question # 1
A company wants to migrate an Amazon Aurora MySQL DB cluster from an existing AWSaccount to a new AWS account in the same AWS Region. Both accounts are members ofthe same organization in AWS Organizations.The company must minimize database service interruption before the company performsDNS cutover to the new database.Which migration strategy will meet this requirement?

A. Take a snapshot of the existing Aurora database. Share the snapshot with the new AWSaccount. Create an Aurora DB cluster in the new account from the snapshot.
B. Create an Aurora DB cluster in the new AWS account. Use AWS Database MigrationService (AWS DMS) to migrate data between the two Aurora DB clusters.
C. Use AWS Backup to share an Aurora database backup from the existing AWS accountto the new AWS account. Create an Aurora DB cluster in the new AWS account from thesnapshot.
D. Create an Aurora DB cluster in the new AWS account. Use AWS Application MigrationService to migrate data between the two Aurora DB clusters.

Answer: B
Explanation:The best migration strategy to meet the requirement of minimizing database serviceinterruption before the DNS cutover is to use AWS DMS to migrate data between the twoAurora DB clusters. AWS DMS can perform continuous replication of data with highavailability and consolidate databases into a petabyte-scale data warehouse by streamingdata to Amazon Redshift and Amazon S31. AWS DMS supports homogeneous migrationssuch as migrating from one Aurora MySQL DB cluster to another, as well asheterogeneous migrations between different database platforms2. AWS DMS also supports cross-account migrations, as long as the source and target databases are in the sameAWS Region3.The other options are not optimal for the following reasons:Option A: Taking a snapshot of the existing Aurora database and restoring it in the newaccount would require a downtime during the snapshot and restore process, which couldbe significant for large databases. Moreover, any changes made to the source databaseafter the snapshot would not be replicated to the target database, resulting in datainconsistency4.Option C: Using AWS Backup to share an Aurora database backup from the existing AWSaccount to the new AWS account would have the same drawbacks as option A, as AWSBackup uses snapshots to create backups of Aurora databases.Option D: Using AWS Application Migration Service to migrate data between the twoAurora DB clusters is not a valid option, as AWS Application Migration Service is designedto migrate applications, not databases, to AWS. AWS Application Migration Service canmigrate applications from on-premises or other cloud environments to AWS, usingagentless or agent-based methods.References:1: What Is AWS Database Migration Service? – AWS Database Migration Service2: Sources for Data Migration – AWS Database Migration Service3: AWS Database Migration Service FAQs4: Working with DB Cluster Snapshots – Amazon Aurora[Backing Up and Restoring an Amazon Aurora DB Cluster – Amazon Aurora][What is AWS Application Migration Service? – AWS Application Migration Service]

Question # 2
A company is planning a migration from an on-premises data center to the AWS cloud. Thecompany plans to use multiple AWS accounts that are managed in an organization in AWSorganizations. The company will cost a small number of accounts initially and will addaccounts as needed. A solution architect must design a solution that turns on AWSaccounts.What is the MOST operationally efficient solution that meets these requirements.

A. Create an AWS Lambda function that creates a new cloudTrail trail in all AWS accountin the organization. Invoke the Lambda function dally by using a scheduled action inAmazon EventBridge.
B. Create a new CloudTrail trail in the organizations management account. Configure the trail to log all events for all AYYS accounts in the organization.
C. Create a new CloudTrail trail in all AWS accounts in the organization. Create new trailswhenever a new account is created.
D. Create an AWS systems Manager Automaton runbook that creates a cloud trail in allAWS accounts in the organization. Invoke the automation by using Systems Manager StateManager.

Answer: B
The most operationally efficient solution for turning on AWS CloudTrail across multipleAWS accounts managed within an AWS Organization is to create a single CloudTrail trail inthe organization’s management account and configure it to log events for all accountswithin the organization. This approach leverages CloudTrail’s ability to consolidate logsfrom all accounts in an organization, thereby simplifying management, reducing overhead,and ensuring consistent logging across accounts. This method eliminates the need formanual intervention in each account, making it an operationally efficient choice fororganizations planning to scale their AWS usage.References:AWS CloudTrail Documentation: Provides detailed instructions on setting upCloudTrail, including how to configure it for an organization.AWS Organizations Documentation: Offers insights into best practices formanaging multiple AWS accounts and how services like CloudTrail integrate withAWS Organizations.AWS Best Practices for Security and Governance: Guides on how to effectivelyuse AWS services to maintain a secure and well-governed AWS environment, witha focus on centralized logging and monitoring.

Question # 3
A solutions architect is preparing to deploy a new security tool into several previouslyunused AWS Regions. The solutions architect will deploy the tool by using an AWSCloudFormation stack set. The stack set’s template contains an 1AM role that has acustom name. Upon creation of the stack set. no stack instances are created successfully.What should the solutions architect do to deploy the stacks successfully?

A. Enable the new Regions in all relevant accounts. Specify theCAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability during the creation of the stack set.
B. Use the Service Quotas console to request a quota increase for the number ofCloudFormation stacks in each new Region in all relevant accounts. Specify theCAPABILITYJAM capability during the creation of the stack set.
C. Specify the CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability and the SELF_MANAGEDpermissions model during the creation of the stack set.
D. Specify an administration role ARN and the CAPABILITYJAM capability during thecreation of the stack set.

Answer: A
Explanation: The CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability is required when creating orupdating CloudFormation stacks that contain IAM resources with custom names. Thiscapability acknowledges that the template might create IAM resources that have broadpermissions or affect other resources in the AWS account. The stack set’s templatecontains an IAM role that has a custom name, so this capability is needed. Enabling the new Regions in all relevant accounts is also necessary to deploy the stack set acrossmultiple Regions and accounts.Option B is incorrect because the Service Quotas console is used to view and manage thequotas for AWS services, not for CloudFormation stacks. The number of stacks per Regionper account is not a service quota that can be increased.Option C is incorrect because the SELF_MANAGED permissions model is used when theadministrator wants to retain full permissions to manage stack sets and stack instances.This model does not affect the creation of the stack set or the requirement for theCAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability.Option D is incorrect because an administration role ARN is optional when creating a stackset. It is used to specify a role that CloudFormation assumes to create stack instances inthe target accounts. It does not affect the creation of the stack set or the requirement forthe CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability.References:1: AWS CloudFormation stack sets2: Acknowledging IAM resources in AWS CloudFormation templates3: AWS CloudFormation stack set permissions

Question # 4
A company has an loT platform that runs in an on-premises environment. The platformconsists of a server that connects to loT devices by using the MQTT protocol. The platformcollects telemetry data from the devices at least once every 5 minutes The platform alsostores device metadata in a MongoDB clusterAn application that is installed on an on-premises machine runs periodic jobs to aggregateand transform the telemetry and device metadata The application creates reports thatusers view by using another web application that runs on the same on-premises machineThe periodic jobs take 120-600 seconds to run However, the web application is alwaysrunning.The company is moving the platform to AWS and must reduce the operational overhead ofthe stack.Which combination of steps will meet these requirements with the LEAST operationaloverhead? (Select THREE.)

A. Use AWS Lambda functions to connect to the loT devices
B. Configure the loT devices to publish to AWS loT Core
C. Write the metadata to a self-managed MongoDB database on an Amazon EC2 instance
D. Write the metadata to Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)
E. Use AWS Step Functions state machines with AWS Lambda tasks to prepare thereports and to write the reports to Amazon S3 Use Amazon CloudFront with an S3 origin toserve the reports
F. Use an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster with Amazon EC2instances to prepare the reports Use an ingress controller in the EKS cluster to serve thereports

Question # 5
A company is designing an AWS environment tor a manufacturing application. Theapplication has been successful with customers, and the application’s user base hasincreased. The company has connected the AWS environment to the company’s onpremisesdata center through a 1 Gbps AWS Direct Connect connection. The company hasconfigured BGP for the connection.The company must update the existing network connectivity solution to ensure that thesolution is highly available, fault tolerant, and secure.Which solution win meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively?

A. Add a dynamic private IP AWS Site-to-Site VPN as a secondary path to secure data intransit and provide resilience for the Direct Conned connection. Configure MACsec toencrypt traffic inside the Direct Connect connection.
B. Provision another Direct Conned connection between the company’s on-premises datacenter and AWS to increase the transfer speed and provide resilience. Configure MACsecto encrypt traffic inside the Dried Conned connection.
C. Configure multiple private VIFs. Load balance data across the VIFs between the onpremisesdata center and AWS to provide resilience.
D. Add a static AWS Site-to-Site VPN as a secondary path to secure data in transit and toprovide resilience for the Direct Connect connection.

Answer: A
Explanation:To enhance the network connectivity solution’s availability, fault tolerance, and security in acost-effective manner, adding a dynamic private IP AWS Site-to-Site VPN as a secondarypath is a viable option. This VPN serves as a resilient backup for the Direct Connectconnection, ensuring continuous data flow even if the primary path fails. ImplementingMACsec (Media Access Control Security) on the Direct Connect connection further securesthe data in transit by providing encryption, thus addressing the security requirement. This solution strikes a balance between cost and operational efficiency, avoiding the higherexpenses associated with provisioning an additional Direct Connect connection.References: AWS Documentation on AWS Direct Connect and AWS Site-to-Site VPNprovides insights into setting up resilient and secure network connections. Additionally,information on MACsec offers guidance on how to implement encryption for Direct Connectconnections, aligning with best practices for secure and highly available networkarchitectures.

Question # 6
A company deploys workloads in multiple AWS accounts. Each account has a VPC withVPC flow logs published in text log format to a centralized Amazon S3 bucket. Each log fileis compressed with gzjp compression. The company must retain the log files indefinitely.A security engineer occasionally analyzes the togs by using Amazon Athena to query theVPC flow logs. The query performance is degrading over time as the number of ingestedtogs is growing. A solutions architect: must improve the performance of the tog analysis and reduce the storage space that the VPC flow logs use.Which solution will meet these requirements with the LARGEST performanceimprovement?

A. Create an AWS Lambda function to decompress the gzip flies and to compress the tileswith bzip2 compression. Subscribe the Lambda function to an s3: ObiectCrealed;Put S3event notification for the S3 bucket.
B. Enable S3 Transfer Acceleration for the S3 bucket. Create an S3 Lifecycle configurationto move files to the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class as soon as the ties are uploaded
C. Update the VPC flow log configuration to store the files in Apache Parquet format.Specify Hourly partitions for the log files.
D. Create a new Athena workgroup without data usage control limits. Use Athena engineversion 2.

Answer: C
Explanation:Converting VPC flow logs to store in Apache Parquet format and specifying hourlypartitions significantly improves query performance and reduces storage space usage.Apache Parquet is a columnar storage file format optimized for analytical queries, allowingAthena to scan less data and improve query performance. Partitioning logs by hour furtherenhances query efficiency by limiting the amount of data scanned during queries,addressing the issue of degrading performance over time due to the growing volume ofingested logs.References: AWS Documentation on VPC Flow Logs and Amazon Athena providesinsights into configuring VPC flow logs in Apache Parquet format and using Athena forquerying log data. This approach is recommended for efficient log analysis and storageoptimization.

Question # 7
An e-commerce company is revamping its IT infrastructure and is planning to use AWSservices. The company’s CIO has asked a solutions architect to design a simple, highlyavailable, and loosely coupled order processing application. The application is responsiblefor receiving and processing orders before storing them in an Amazon DynamoDB table.The application has a sporadic traffic pattern and should be able to scale during marketingcampaigns to process the orders with minimal delays.Which of the following is the MOST reliable approach to meet the requirements?

A. Receive the orders in an Amazon EC2-hosted database and use EC2 instances toprocess them.
B. Receive the orders in an Amazon SQS queue and invoke an AWS Lambda function toprocess them.
C. Receive the orders using the AWS Step Functions program and launch an Amazon ECScontainer to process them.
D. Receive the orders in Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and use Amazon EC2 instances toprocess them.

Answer: B
The best option is to use Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda to create a serverless orderprocessing application. Amazon SQS is a fully managed message queue service that candecouple the order receiving and processing components, making the application morescalable and fault-tolerant. AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that canautomatically scale to handle the incoming messages from the SQS queue and processthem according to the business logic. AWS Lambda can also integrate with AmazonDynamoDB to store the processed orders in a fast and flexible NoSQL database. Thisapproach eliminates the need to provision, manage, or scale any servers or containers,and reduces the operational overhead and cost.Option A is not reliable because using an EC2-hosted database to receive the ordersintroduces a single point of failure and a scalability bottleneck. EC2 instances also requiremore management and configuration than serverless services. Option C is not reliable because using AWS Step Functions to receive the orders addsunnecessary complexity and cost to the application. AWS Step Functions is a service thatcoordinates multiple AWS services into a serverless workflow, but it is not designed tohandle high-volume, sporadic, or unpredictable traffic patterns. AWS Step Functions alsocharges per state transition, which can be expensive for a large number of orders.Launching an ECS container to process each order also requires more resources andmanagement than invoking a Lambda function.Option D is not reliable because using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to receive the ordersis not suitable for this use case. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a service that enablesreal-time processing of streaming data at scale, but it is not meant for asynchronousmessage queuing. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams requires consumers to poll the data fromthe stream, which can introduce latency and complexity. Amazon Kinesis Data Streamsalso charges per shard hour, which can be expensive for a sporadic traffic pattern.References:Amazon SQSAWS LambdaAmazon DynamoDBAWS Step FunctionsAmazon ECS

Question # 8
A company that is developing a mobile game is making game assets available in two AWSRegions. Game assets are served from a set of Amazon EC2 instances behind anApplication Load Balancer (ALB) in each Region. The company requires game assets to befetched from the closest Region. If game assess become unavailable in the closest Region,they should the fetched from the other Region. What should a solutions architect do to meet these requirement?

A. Create an Amazon CloudFront distribution. Create an origin group with one origin foreach ALB. Set one of the origins as primary.
B. Create an Amazon Route 53 health check tor each ALB. Create a Route 53 failoverrouting record pointing to the two ALBs. Set the Evaluate Target Health value Yes.
C. Create two Amazon CloudFront distributions, each with one ALB as the origin. Createan Amazon Route 53 failover routing record pointing to the two CloudFront distributions.Set the Evaluate Target Health value to Yes.
D. Create an Amazon Route 53 health check tor each ALB. Create a Route 53 latency aliasrecord pointing to the two ALBs. Set the Evaluate Target Health value to Yes.

Answer: A
To ensure that game assets are fetched from the closest region and have a fallback optionin case the assets become unavailable in the closest region, a solution architect shouldleverage Amazon CloudFront, a global content delivery network (CDN) service. By creatingan Amazon CloudFront distribution and setting up origin groups, the architect can specifymultiple origins (in this case, the Application Load Balancers in each region). The primaryorigin will serve content under normal circumstances, and if the content becomesunavailable, CloudFront will automatically switch to the secondary origin. This approach notonly meets the requirement of regional proximity and redundancy but also optimizeslatency and enhances the gaming experience by serving assets from the nearestgeographical location to the end-user.References: AWS Documentation on Amazon CloudFront and origin groups providesdetailed instructions on setting up distributions with multiple origins for high availability andperformance optimization. Additionally, AWS whitepapers and best practices on contentdelivery and global applications offer insights into effectively utilizing CloudFront and otherAWS services to achieve low latency and high availability.

Question # 9
A flood monitoring agency has deployed more than 10.000 water-level monitoring sensors.Sensors send continuous data updates, and each update is less than 1 MB in size. Theagency has a fleet of on-premises application servers. These servers receive ‘onthe sensors, convert the raw data into a human readable format, and write the results loanon-premises relational database server. Data analysts then use simple SOL queries tomonitor the data.The agency wants to increase overall application availability and reduce the effort that isrequired to perform maintenance tasks These maintenance tasks, which include updatesand patches to the application servers, cause downtime. While an application server isdown, data is lost from sensors because the remaining servers cannot handle the entireworkload.The agency wants a solution that optimizes operational overhead and costs. A solutionsarchitect recommends the use of AWS loT Core to collect the sensor data. What else should the solutions architect recommend to meet these requirements?

A. Send the sensor data to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. Use an AWS Lambda functionto read the Kinesis Data Firehose data, convert it to .csv format, and insert it into anAmazon Aurora MySQL DB instance. Instruct the data analysts to query the data directlyfrom the DB instance.
B. Send the sensor data to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. Use an AWS Lambda functionto read the Kinesis Data Firehose data, convert it to Apache Parquet format and save it toan Amazon S3 bucket. Instruct the data analysts to query the data by using AmazonAthena.
C. Send the sensor data to an Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink {previouslyknown as Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics) application to convert the data to .csv formatand store it in an Amazon S3 bucket. Import the data into an Amazon Aurora MySQL DBinstance. Instruct the data analysts to query the data directly from the DB instance.
D. Send the sensor data to an Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink (previouslyknown as Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics) application to convert the data to ApacheParquet format and store it in an Amazon S3 bucket Instruct the data analysis to query thedata by using Amazon Athena.

Answer: B
To enhance application availability and reduce maintenance-induced downtime, sendingsensor data to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, processing it with an AWS Lambdafunction, converting it to Apache Parquet format, and storing it in Amazon S3 is an effectivestrategy. This approach leverages serverless architectures for scalability and reliability.Data analysts can then query the optimized data using Amazon Athena, a serverlessinteractive query service, which supports complex queries on data stored in S3 without theneed for traditional database servers, optimizing operational overhead and costs.References: AWS Documentation on AWS IoT Core, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose,AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, and Amazon Athena provides a comprehensive framework forbuilding a scalable, serverless data processing pipeline. This solution aligns with AWS bestpractices for processing and analyzing large-scale data streams efficiently.

Question # 10
A company has many services running in its on-premises data center. The data center isconnected to AWS using AWS Direct Connect (DX)and an IPsec VPN. The service data issensitive and connectivity cannot traverse the interne. The company wants to expand to a new market segment and begin offering Is services to other companies that are usingAWS.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Create a VPC Endpoint Service that accepts TCP traffic, host it behind a Network LoadBalancer, and make the service available over DX.
B. Create a VPC Endpoint Service that accepts HTTP or HTTPS traffic, host it behind anApplication Load Balancer, and make the service available over DX.
C. Attach an internet gateway to the VPC. and ensure that network access control andsecurity group rules allow the relevant inbound and outbound traffic.
D. Attach a NAT gateway to the VPC. and ensue that network access control and securitygroup rules allow the relevant inbound and outbound traffic.

Answer: B
Explanation:To offer services to other companies using AWS without traversing the internet, creating aVPC Endpoint Service hosted behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and making itavailable over AWS Direct Connect (DX) is the most suitable solution. This approachensures that the service traffic remains within the AWS network, adhering to therequirement that connectivity must not traverse the internet. An ALB is capable of handlingHTTP/HTTPS traffic, making it appropriate for web-based services. Utilizing DX forconnectivity between the on-premises data center and AWS further secures and optimizesthe network path.References:AWS Direct Connect Documentation: Explains how to set up DX for privateconnectivity between AWS and an on-premises network.Amazon VPC Endpoint Services (AWS PrivateLink) Documentation: Providesdetails on creating and configuring endpoint services for private, secure access toservices hosted in AWS.AWS Application Load Balancer Documentation: Offers guidance on configuringALBs to distribute HTTP/HTTPS traffic efficiently.

Question # 11
A company wants to establish a dedicated connection between its on-premisesinfrastructure and AWS. The company is setting up a 1 Gbps AWS Direct Connectconnection to its account VPC. The architecture includes a transit gateway and a DirectConnect gateway to connect multiple VPCs and the on-premises infrastructure.The company must connect to VPC resources over a transit VIF by using the DirectConnect connection.Which combination of steps will meet these requirements? (Select TWO.)

A. Update the 1 Gbps Direct Connect connection to 10 Gbps.
B. Advertise the on-premises network prefixes over the transit VIF.
C. Adverse the VPC prefixes from the Direct Connect gateway to the on-premises networkover the transit VIF.
D. Update the Direct Connect connection’s MACsec encryption mode attribute to mustencrypt.
E. Associate a MACsec Connection Key Name-Connectivity Association Key (CKN/CAK)pair with the Direct Connect connection.

Answer: B,C
Explanation:To connect VPC resources over a transit Virtual Interface (VIF) using a Direct Connectconnection, the company should advertise the on-premises network prefixes over thetransit VIF and advertise the VPC prefixes from the Direct Connect gateway to the onpremisesnetwork over the same VIF. This configuration ensures seamless connectivitybetween the on-premises infrastructure and the AWS VPCs through the transit gateway,facilitating efficient and secure communication across the network.References: AWS Documentation on AWS Direct Connect and transit gateways providesdetailed instructions on configuring transit VIFs and routing for Direct Connect connections.This setup is recommended in AWS best practices for establishing dedicated networkconnections between on-premises environments and AWS to achieve low-latency, highthroughput,and secure connectivity.

Question # 12
A company hosts an intranet web application on Amazon EC2 instances behind anApplication Load Balancer (ALB). Currently, users authenticate to the application againstan internal user database.The company needs to authenticate users to the application by using an existing AWSDirectory Service for Microsoft Active Directory directory. All users with accounts in thedirectory must have access to the application.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Create a new app client in the directory. Create a listener rule for the ALB. Specify theauthenticate-oidc action for the listener rule. Configure the listener rule with the appropriateissuer, client ID and secret, and endpoint details for the Active Directory service. Configurethe new app client with the callback URL that the ALB provides.
B. Configure an Amazon Cognito user pool. Configure the user pool with a federatedidentity provider (IdP) that has metadata from the directory. Create an app client. Associatethe app client with the user pool. Create a listener rule for the ALB. Specify theauthenticate-cognito action for the listener rule. Configure the listener rule to use the userpool and app client.
C. Add the directory as a new 1AM identity provider (IdP). Create a new 1AM role that hasan entity type of SAML 2.0 federation. Configure a role policy that allows access to theALB. Configure the new role as the default authenticated user role for the IdP. Create alistener rule for the ALB. Specify the authenticate-oidc action for the listener rule.
D. Enable AWS 1AM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On). Configure the directory as anexternal identity provider (IdP) that uses SAML. Use the automatic provisioning method.Create a new 1AM role that has an entity type of SAML 2.0 federation. Configure a rolepolicy that allows access to the ALB. Attach the new role to all groups. Create a listenerrule for the ALB. Specify the authenticate-cognito action for the listener rule.

Answer: A
The correct solution is to use the authenticate-oidc action for the ALB listener rule andconfigure it with the details of the AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directorydirectory. This way, the ALB can use OpenID Connect (OIDC) to authenticate usersagainst the directory and grant them access to the intranet web application. The app clientin the directory is used to register the ALB as an OIDC client and provide the necessarycredentials and endpoints. The callback URL is the URL that the ALB redirects the user toafter a successful authentication. This solution does not require any additional services orroles, and it leverages the existing directory accounts for all users.The other solutions are incorrect because they either use the wrong action for the ALBlistener rule, or they involve unnecessary or incompatible services or roles. For example:Solution B is incorrect because it uses Amazon Cognito user pool, which is aseparate user directory service that does not integrate with AWS Directory Servicefor Microsoft Active Directory. To use this solution, the company would have tomigrate or synchronize their users from the directory to the user pool, which is notrequired by the question. Moreover, the authenticate-cognito action for the ALBlistener rule only works with Amazon Cognito user pools, not with federatedidentity providers (IdPs) that have metadata from the directory.Solution C is incorrect because it uses IAM as an identity provider (IdP), which isnot compatible with AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory. IAM canonly be used as an IdP for web identity federation, which allows users to sign inwith social media or other third-party IdPs, not with Active Directory. Moreover, theauthenticate-oidc action for the ALB listener rule requires an OIDC IdP, not aSAML 2.0 federation IdP, which is what IAM provides.Solution D is incorrect because it uses AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On), which is a service that simplifies the management of SSO access tomultiple AWS accounts and business applications. This service is not needed forthe scenario in the question, which only involves a single intranet web application.Moreover, the authenticate-cognito action for the ALB listener rule does not workwith external IdPs that use SAML, such as AWS IAM Identity Center.References:Authenticate users using an Application Load BalancerWhat is AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory?Using OpenID Connect for user authentication

Question # 13
A public retail web application uses an Application Load Balancer (ALB) in front of AmazonEC2 instances running across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) in a Region backed by anAmazon RDS MySQL Multi-AZ deployment. Target group health checks are configured touse HTTP and pointed at the product catalog page. Auto Scaling is configured to maintainthe web fleet size based on the ALB health check.Recently, the application experienced an outage. Auto Scaling continuously replaced theinstances during the outage. A subsequent investigation determined that the web servermetrics were within the normal range, but the database tier was experiencing high toad,resulting in severely elevated query response times.Which of the following changes together would remediate these issues while improvingmonitoring capabilities for the availability and functionality of the entire application stack forfuture growth? (Select TWO.)

A. Configure read replicas for Amazon RDS MySQL and use the single reader endpoint inthe web application to reduce the load on the backend database tier.
B. Configure the target group health check to point at a simple HTML page instead of aproduct catalog page and the Amazon Route 53 health check against the product page toevaluate full application functionality. Configure Ama7on CloudWatch alarms to notifyadministrators when the site fails.
C. Configure the target group health check to use a TCP check of the Amazon EC2 webserver and the Amazon Route S3 health check against the product page to evaluate fullapplication functionality. Configure Amazon CloudWatch alarms to notify administratorswhen the site fails.
D. Configure an Amazon CtoudWatch alarm for Amazon RDS with an action to recover ahigh-load, impaired RDS instance in the database tier.
E. Configure an Amazon Elastic ache cluster and place it between the web application andRDS MySQL instances to reduce the load on the backend database tier.

Answer: A,E
Configuring read replicas for Amazon RDS MySQL and using the single reader endpoint inthe web application can significantly reduce the load on the backend database tier,improving overall application performance. Additionally, implementing an AmazonElastiCache cluster between the web application and RDS MySQL instances can furtherreduce database load by caching frequently accessed data, thereby enhancing theapplication’s resilience and scalability. These changes address the root cause of theoutage by alleviating the database tier’s high load and preventing similar issues in thefuture.References: AWS Documentation on Amazon RDS Read Replicas and AmazonElastiCache provides comprehensive guidance on improving application performance andscalability by offloading read traffic from the primary database and caching commonqueries. These solutions are in line with AWS best practices for building resilient andscalable web applications.

Question # 14
A company needs to implement disaster recovery for a critical application that runs in asingle AWS Region. The application’s users interact with a web frontend that is hosted onAmazon EC2 Instances behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB). The application writesto an Amazon RD5 tor MySQL DB instance. The application also outputs processeddocuments that are stored in an Amazon S3 bucketThe company’s finance team directly queries the database to run reports. During busyperiods, these queries consume resources and negatively affect application performance.A solutions architect must design a solution that will provide resiliency during a disaster.The solution must minimize data loss and must resolve the performance problems thatresult from the finance team’s queries.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Migrate the database to Amazon DynamoDB and use DynamoDB global tables. Instructthe finance team to query a global table in a separate Region. Create an AWS Lambdafunction to periodically synchronize the contents of the original S3 bucket to a new S3bucket in the separate Region. Launch EC2 instances and create an ALB in the separateRegion. Configure the application to point to the new S3 bucket.
B. Launch additional EC2 instances that host the application in a separate Region. Add theadditional instances to the existing ALB. In the separate Region, create a read replica ofthe RDS DB instance. Instruct the finance team to run queries ageist the read replica. UseS3 Cross-Region Replication (CRR) from the original S3 bucket to a new S3 Docket in theseparate Region. During a disaster, promote the read replace to a standalone DB instance.Configure the application to point to the new S3 bucket and to the newly project readreplica.
C. Create a read replica of the RDS DB instance in a separate Region. Instruct the financeteam to run queries against the read replica. Create AMIs of the EC2 instances mat hostthe application frontend- Copy the AMIs to the separate Region. Use S3 Cross-RegionReplication (CRR) from the original S3 bucket to a new S3 bucket in the separate Region.During a disaster, promote the read replica to a standalone DB instance. Launch EC2instances from the AMIs and create an ALB to present the application to end users.Configure the application to point to the new S3 bucket.
D. Create hourly snapshots of the RDS DB instance. Copy the snapshots to a separateRegion. Add an Amazon Elastic ache cluster m front of the existing RDS database. CreateAMIs of the EC2 instances that host the application frontend Copy the AMIs to the separateRegion. Use S3 Cross-Region Replication (CRR) from the original S3 bucket to a new S3bucket in the separate Region. During a disaster, restore The database from the latestRDS snapshot. Launch EC2 Instances from the AMIs and create an ALB to present theapplication to end users. Configure the application to point to the new S3 bucket

Answer: C
Implementing a disaster recovery strategy that minimizes data loss and addressesperformance issues involves creating a read replica of the RDS DB instance in a separateregion and directing the finance team’s queries to this replica. This solution alleviates theperformance impact on the primary database. Using Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication(CRR) ensures that processed documents are available in the disaster recovery region. Inthe event of a disaster, the read replica can be promoted to a standalone DB instance, andEC2 instances can be launched from pre-created AMIs to serve the web frontend, therebyensuring resiliency and minimal data loss.References: AWS Documentation on Amazon RDS Read Replicas, Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication, and Amazon EC2 AMIs provides comprehensive guidance onimplementing a robust disaster recovery solution. This approach is in line with AWS bestpractices for high availability and disaster recovery planning.

Question # 15
A company wants to use Amazon Workspaces in combination with thin client devices toreplace aging desktops. Employees use the desktops to access applications that work withclinical trial data. Corporate security policy states that access to the applications must be restricted to only company branch office locations. The company is considering adding anadditional branch office in the next 6 months.Which solution meets these requirements with the MOST operational efficiency?

A. Create an IP access control group rule with the list of public addresses from the branchoffices. Associate the IP access control group with the Workspaces directory.
B. Use AWS Firewall Manager to create a web ACL rule with an IPSet with the list to publicaddresses from the branch office Locations-Associate the web ACL with the Workspacesdirectory.
C. Use AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to issue trusted device certificates to the machinesdeployed in the branch office locations. Enable restricted access on the Workspacesdirectory.
D. Create a custom Workspace image with Windows Firewall configured to restrict accessto the public addresses of the branch offices. Use the image to deploy the Workspaces.

Answer: A
Explanation: Utilizing an IP access control group rule with the list of public addresses frombranch offices and associating it with the Amazon WorkSpaces directory is the mostoperationally efficient solution. This method ensures that access to WorkSpaces isrestricted to specified locations, aligning with the corporate security policy. This approachoffers simplicity and flexibility, especially with the potential addition of a new branch office,as updating the IP access control group is straightforward.References: AWS Documentation on Amazon WorkSpaces and IP Access Control Groupsprovides detailed instructions on how to implement access restrictions based on IPaddresses. This solution aligns with best practices for securing virtual desktops whilemaintaining operational efficiency.

Question # 16
A software development company has multiple engineers who ate working remotely. Thecompany is running Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) on an Amazon EC2instance. The company’s security policy states that al internal, nonpublic services that aredeployed in a VPC must be accessible through a VPN. Multi-factor authentication (MFA)must be used for access to a VPN.What should a solutions architect do to meet these requirements?

A. Create an AWS Sire-to-Site VPN connection. Configure Integration between a VPN andAD DS. Use an Amazon Workspaces client with MFA support enabled to establish a VPNconnection.
B. Create an AWS Client VPN endpoint Create an AD Connector directory tor integrationwith AD DS. Enable MFA tor AD Connector. Use AWS Client VPN to establish a VPNconnection.
C. Create multiple AWS Site-to-Site VPN connections by using AWS VPN CloudHub.Configure integration between AWS VPN CloudHub and AD DS. Use AWS Copilot toestablish a VPN connection.
D. Create an Amazon WorkLink endpoint. Configure integration between AmazonWorkLink and AD DS. Enable MFA in Amazon WorkLink. Use AWS Client VPN to establisha VPN connection.

Answer: B
Setting up an AWS Client VPN endpoint and integrating it with Active Directory DomainServices (AD DS) using an AD Connector directory enables secure remote access tointernal services deployed in a VPC. Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) for ADConnector enhances security by adding an additional layer of authentication. This solutionmeets the company’s requirements for secure remote access through a VPN with MFA,ensuring that the security policy is adhered to while providing a seamless experience forthe remote engineers.References: AWS Documentation on AWS Client VPN and AD Connector providesdetailed instructions on setting up a Client VPN endpoint and integrating it with existingActive Directory for authentication. This solution aligns with AWS best practices for secureremote access to AWS resources.

Question # 17
A company needs to improve the reliability ticketing application. The application runs on anAmazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) cluster. The company uses AmazonCloudFront to servo the application. A single ECS service of the ECS cluster is theCloudFront distribution’s origin.The application allows only a specific number of active users to enter a ticket purchasingflow. These users are identified by an encrypted attribute in their JSON Web Token (JWT).All other users are redirected to a waiting room module until there is available capacity forpurchasing.The application is experiencing high loads. The waiting room modulo is working asdesigned, but load on the waiting room is disrupting the application’s availability. Thisdisruption is negatively affecting the application’s ticket sale Transactions.Which solution will provide the MOST reliability for ticket sale transactions during periods ofhigh load? ‘

A. Create a separate service in the ECS cluster for the waiting room. Use a separatescaling configuration. Ensure that the ticketing service uses the JWT info-nation andappropriately forwards requests to the waring room service.
B. Move the application to an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster.Split the wailing room module into a pod that is separate from the ticketing pod. Make theticketing pod part of a StatefuISeL Ensure that the ticketing pod uses the JWT informationand appropriately forwards requests to the waiting room pod.
C. Create a separate service in the ECS cluster for the waiting room. Use a separatescaling configuration. Create a CloudFront function That inspects the JWT information andappropriately forwards requests to the ticketing service or the waiting room service
D. Move the application to an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster.Split the wailing room module into a pod that is separate from the ticketing pod. Use AWSApp Mesh by provisioning the App Mesh controller for Kubermetes. Enable mTLSauthentication and service-to-service authentication for communication between theticketing pod and the waiting room pod. Ensure that the ticketing pod uses The JWTinformation and appropriately forwards requests to the waiting room pod.

Answer: C
Implementing a CloudFront function that inspects the JWT information and appropriatelyforwards requests either to the ticketing service or the waiting room service within theAmazon ECS cluster enhances reliability during high load periods. This solution segregatesthe load between the main application and the waiting room, ensuring that the ticketingservice remains unaffected by the high load on the waiting room. Using CloudFrontfunctions for request routing based on JWT attributes allows for efficient distribution of usertraffic, thereby maintaining the application’s availability and performance during peak times.References: AWS Documentation on Amazon CloudFront Functions provides guidance oncreating and deploying functions that can inspect and manipulate HTTP(S) requests at theedge, close to the users. This approach is in line with best practices for scaling andmanaging high-traffic web applications.

Question # 18
A company is currently in the design phase of an application that will need an RPO of lessthan 5 minutes and an RTO of less than 10 minutes. The solutions architecture team isforecasting that the database will store approximately 10 TB of data. As part of the design, they are looking for a database solution that will provide the company with the ability to failover to a secondary Region.Which solution will meet these business requirements at the LOWEST cost?

A. Deploy an Amazon Aurora DB cluster and take snapshots of the cluster every 5minutes. Once a snapshot is complete, copy the snapshot to a secondary Region to serveas a backup in the event of a failure.
B. Deploy an Amazon RDS instance with a cross-Region read replica in a secondaryRegion. In the event of a failure, promote the read replica to become the primary.
C. Deploy an Amazon Aurora DB cluster in the primary Region and another in a secondaryRegion. Use AWS DMS to keep the secondary Region in sync.
D. Deploy an Amazon RDS instance with a read replica in the same Region. In the event ofa failure, promote the read replica to become the primary.

Answer: B
Explanation: The best solution is to deploy an Amazon RDS instance with a cross-Regionread replica in a secondary Region. This will provide the company with a database solutionthat can fail over to the secondary Region in case of a disaster. The read replica will haveminimal replication lag and can be promoted to become the primary in less than 10minutes, meeting the RTO requirement. The RPO requirement of less than 5 minutes canalso be met by using synchronous replication within the primary Region and asynchronousreplication across Regions. This solution will also have the lowest cost compared to theother options, as it does not involve additional services or resources. References: [AmazonRDS User Guide], [Amazon Aurora User Guide]

Question # 19
A company is using an organization in AWS organization to manage AWS accounts. Foreach new project the company creates a new linked account. After the creation of a newaccount, the root user signs in to the new account and creates a service request to increase the service quota for Amazon EC2 instances. A solutions architect needs toautomate this process.Which solution will meet these requirements with tie LEAST operational overhead?

A. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule to detect creation of a new account Send the eventto an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that invokes an AWSLambda function. Configure the Lambda function to run the request-service-quota-increasecommand to request a service quota increase for EC2 instances.
B. Create a Service Quotas request template in the management account. Configure thedesired service quota increases for EC2 instances.
C. Create an AWS Config rule in the management account to set the service quota for EC2instances.
D. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule to detect creation of a new account. Send the eventto an Amazon simple Notification service (Amazon SNS) topic that involves an AWSLambda function. Configure the Lambda function to run the create-case command torequest a service quota increase for EC2 instances.

Answer: A
Automating the process of increasing service quotas for Amazon EC2 instances in newAWS accounts with minimal operational overhead can be effectively achieved by usingAmazon EventBridge, Amazon SNS, and AWS Lambda. An EventBridge rule can detectthe creation of a new account and trigger an SNS topic, which in turn invokes a Lambdafunction. This function can then programmatically request a service quota increase for EC2instances using the AWS Service Quotas API. This approach streamlines the process,reduces manual intervention, and ensures that new accounts are automatically configuredwith the desired service quotas.References:Amazon EventBridge Documentation: Provides guidance on setting up event rulesfor detecting AWS account creation.AWS Lambda Documentation: Details how to create and configure Lambdafunctions to perform automated tasks, such as requesting service quota increases.AWS Service Quotas Documentation: Offers information on managing andrequesting increases for AWS service quotas programmatically.

Question # 20
A company needs to gather data from an experiment in a remote location that does nothave internet connectivity. During the experiment, sensors that are connected to a totalnetwork will generate 6 TB of data in a preprimary formal over the course of 1 week. Thesensors can be configured to upload their data files to an FTP server periodically, but thesensors do not have their own FTP server. The sensors also do not support otherprotocols. The company needs to collect the data centrally and move lie data to objectstorage in the AWS Cloud as soon. as possible after the experiment.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Order an AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized device. Connect the device to thelocal network. Configure AWS DataSync with a target bucket name, and unload the dataover NFS to the device. After the experiment return the device to AWS so that the data canbe loaded into Amazon S3.
B. Order an AWS Snowcone device, including an Amazon Linux 2 AMI. Connect the deviceto the local network. Launch an Amazon EC2 instance on the device. Create a shell script that periodically downloads data from each sensor. After the experiment, return the deviceto AWS so that the data can be loaded as an Amazon Elastic Block Store [Amazon EBS)volume.
C. Order an AWS Snowcone device, including an Amazon Linux 2 AMI. Connect the deviceto the local network. Launch an Amazon EC2 instance on the device. Install and configurean FTP server on the EC2 instance. Configure the sensors to upload data to the EC2instance. After the experiment, return the device to AWS so that the data can be loadedinto Amazon S3.
D. Order an AWS Snowcone device. Connect the device to the local network. Configurethe device to use Amazon FSx. Configure the sensors to upload data to the device.Configure AWS DataSync on the device to synchronize the uploaded data with an AmazonS3 bucket Return the device to AWS so that the data can be loaded as an Amazon ElasticBlock Store (Amazon EBS) volume.

Answer: C
Explanation: For collecting data from remote sensors without internet connectivity, usingan AWS Snowcone device with an Amazon EC2 instance running an FTP server presentsa practical solution. This setup allows the sensors to upload data to the EC2 instance viaFTP, and after the experiment, the Snowcone device can be returned to AWS for dataingestion into Amazon S3. This approach minimizes operational complexity and ensuresefficient data transfer to AWS for further processing or storage.References: AWS Documentation on AWS Snowcone and Amazon EC2 provides detailedguidance on deploying compute and storage capabilities in edge locations. This solutionleverages AWS’s edge computing devices to address challenges associated with datacollection in remote or disconnected environments.
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