Cisco 200-301 Exam Dumps

07 Jan


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Cisco 200-301 Real Exam Questions:

Quality is the heart of our service that’s why we offer our students real exam questions with 100% passing assurance in the first attempt. Our 200-301 dumps PDF have been carved by the experienced experts exactly on the model of real exam question answers in which you are going to appear to get your certification.

Cisco 200-301 Sample Questions

Question # 1
An on-site service desk technician must verify the IP address and DNS server informationon a users Windows computer. Which command must the technician enter at the commandprompt on the user’s computer?

A. ipconfig /all
B. ifconfig -a
C. show interface
D. netstat -r

Answer: A
Explanation: The ipconfig /all command displays the configuration information of all thenetwork adapters on a Windows computer, including the IP address, subnet mask, defaultgateway, and DNS server information12. This command can help troubleshoot networkconnectivity and DNS resolution issues.

Question # 2
What is the default port-security behavior on a trunk link?

A. It causes a network loop when a violation occurs.
B. It disables the native VLAN configuration as soon as port security is enabled.
C. It places the port in the err-disabled state if it learns more than one MAC address.
D. It places the port in the err-disabled slate after 10 MAC addresses are statically configured.

Answer: A

Question # 3
Which enhancements were implemented as part of WPA3?

A. 802.1x authentication and AES-128 encryption
B. TKIP encryption improving WEP and per-packet keying
C. AES-64 m personal mode and AES-128 in enterprise mode
D. forward secrecy and SAE in personal mode for secure initial key exchange

Answer: D

Question # 4
Which two IPv6 addresses are used to provide connectivity between two routers on a shared link? (Choose two)

A. ::ffif 1014 1011/96
B. 2001 7011046:1111:1/64
C. ;jff06bb43cd4dd111bbff02 4545234d
D. 2002 5121204b 1111:1/64
E. FF02::0WlFF00:0l)00/104

Answer: B

Question # 5
Which functionality is provided by the console connection on a Cisco WLC?

A. out-of-band management
B. secure in-band connectivity for device administration
C. unencrypted in-band connectivity for file transfers
D. HTTP-based GUI connectivity

Answer: B

Question # 6
To improve corporate security, an organization is planning to implement badgeauthentication to limit access to the data center. Which element of a security program isbeing deployed?

A. user training
B. user awareness
C. vulnerability verification
D. physical access control

Answer: D

Question # 7
A WLC sends alarms about a rogue AP, and the network administrator verifies that thealarms are caused by a legitimate autonomous AP.

A. Place the AP into manual containment.
B. Remove the AP from WLC management.
C. Manually remove the AP from Pending state.
D. Set the AP Class Type to Friendly.

Answer: B

Question # 8
What is the role of community strings in SNMP operations?

A. It serves as a sequence tag on SNMP traffic messages.
B. It serves as a password lo protect access to MIB objects.
C. It passes the Active Directory username and password that are required for device access
D. It translates alphanumeric MIB output values to numeric values.

Answer: B

Question # 9
What happens when a switch receives a frame with a destination MAC address that recently aged out?

A. The switch references the MAC address aging table for historical addresses on the port that received the frame.
B. The switch floods the frame to all ports in all VLANs except the port that received the frame
C. The switch drops the frame and learns the destination MAC address again from the port that received the frame
D. The switch floods the frame to all ports in the VLAN except the port that received the frame.

Answer: D

Question # 10
Which two server types support dornas name to IP address resolution? (Choose two >

A. ESX host
B. resolver
C. web
D. file transfer
E. authentication

Answer: A,C

Question # 11
What is used as a solution for protecting an individual network endpoint from attack?

A. Router
B. Wireless controller
C. Anti software
D. Cisco DNA Center

Answer: C

Question # 12
Which capability does TFTP provide?

A. loads configuration files on systems without data storage devices
B. provides authentication for data communications over a private data network
C. provides encryption mechanisms for file transfer across a WAN
D. provides secure file access within the LAN

Answer: A
Explanation: TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) is a simple file transfer protocol that isoften used to transfer configuration files or firmware to network devices, such as routers orswitches, during the boot process. TFTP is lightweight and lacks advanced features likeauthentication or encryption, making it suitable for basic file transfer operations in situationswhere security is not a primary concern. Therefore, option A accurately describes one ofthe primary capabilities of TFTP. It is commonly used to load configuration files ontosystems, particularly those without extensive data storage devices, during the initializationor configuration process.

Question # 13
A network engineer must configure an interface with IP address and a subnetmask equivalent to 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111000. Which subnet mask mustthe engineer use?

A. /29
B. /30
C. /27
D. /28

Answer: A

Question # 14
What is a feature of WPA?

A. 802.1x authentication
B. preshared key
C. TKIP/MIC encryption
D. small Wi-Fi application

Answer: A

Question # 15
Which interface IP address serves as the tunnel source for CAPWAP packets from the WLC to an AP?

A. service
B. trunk
C. AP-manager
D. virtual AP connection

Answer: C
Explanation: The AP-manager interface is used by the WLC to communicate with accesspoints using CAPWAP packets2. The AP-manager interface has an IP address that serves as the tunnel source for CAPWAP packets from the WLC to an AP3. The service interfaceis used for out-of-band management of the WLC, such as Telnet and SSH4. The trunkinterface is used to connect the WLC to a switch and carry multiple VLANs5. The virtual APconnection is not an interface, but a logical connection between an AP and a WLC thatallows multiple SSIDs to be supported by a single AP6.

Question # 16
Refer to the exhibit. User traffic originating within site 0 is failing to reach an applicationhosted on IP address 192.168 0 10. Which is located within site A What is determined bythe routing table?

A. The default gateway for site B is configured incorrectly
B. The lack of a default route prevents delivery of the traffic
C. The traffic is blocked by an implicit deny in an ACL on router2
D. The traffic to 192 168 010 requires a static route to be configured in router 1.

Answer: B

Question # 17
What is the functionality of the Cisco DNA Center?

A. data center network pokey con
B. console server that permits secure access to all network devices
C. IP address cool distribution scheduler
D. software-defined controller for automaton of devices and services

Answer: D

Question # 18
In which circumstance would a network architect decide to implement a global unicastsubnet instead of a unique local unicast subnet?

A. when the subnet must be available only within an organization
B. when the subnet does not need to be routable
C. when the addresses on the subnet must be equivalent to private IPv4 addresses
D. when the subnet must be routable over the internet

Answer: D

Question # 19
In which circumstance would a network architect decide to implement a global unicastsubnet instead of a unique local unicast subnet?

A. when the subnet must be available only within an organization
B. when the subnet does not need to be routable
C. when the addresses on the subnet must be equivalent to private IPv4 addresses
D. when the subnet must be routable over the internet

Answer: D

Question # 20
Refer to the exhibit.When router R1 receives a packet with destination IP address 10.56.0 62. through whichinterface does it route the packet?

A. Null0
B. VIan58
C. Vlan60
D. VIan59

Answer: B
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