Our Money Back Guarantee Policy

Our provided dumps are 100% proven and most extraordinary for you to pass your certified exams which are prepared with great care and keeping in view the current trends of exams by our most experts professionals. We know your hard earned money is very important for you, if our provided material couldn’t pass you in the exam we offer you 100% money back policy to save your invest.

Some conditions:

We’ll not refund you if you found in the following cases.

  • Our provided material will have to be study at least 7 days before the exams.
  • Your name should be same as of account holder’s name.
  • We are not offering any guarantee for the discharged exams.
  • After 90 days of your purchasing our dumps, you will not be able to claim a guarantee.

How to claim a guarantee?

The method of money back guarantee is very simple; you will have to provide the following documents.

  • Copy of enrollment slip
  • Your result card
  • Examination center name
  • Purchased Transaction ID

Note: You will have to provide all the mentioned documents within 7 days after your exam result. It may take 24-48 hours in refunding method.